Five YouTube Mistakes You Should Avoid - IM NewsWatch Newsletter, June 10, 2020

June 10th, 2021 at 8:00 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Organic LinkedIn Marketing: Proven Techniques for Marketers [Podcast]

Social Media Examiner has published a new podcast episode ‘Organic LinkedIn Marketing: Proven Techniques for Marketers’ featuring Michaela Alexis. Michael Stelzner says, “Want to improve organic engagement on LinkedIn? Wondering if LinkedIn Stories and Live could work for you? To explore organic LinkedIn marketing strategies that work... [Read more]

Five YouTube Mistakes You Should Avoid

When it comes to video, YouTube is the platform that rules for years. With a strong marketing plan, you can achieve your online marketing goals. To help you do it, Social Media Examiner contributor Diana Gladney has published an article highlighting five mistakes new YouTubers make. She says, “To learn how to avoid five mistakes new YouTubers... [Read more]

Benefits of Link Building [Explained]

Quality links help your websites to score higher in search engine rankings. It should be focused to get more traffic. Go Fish Digital contributor Tina Irizarry has published an article highlighting the benefits of link building. She says, “Backlinks are valuable for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) because they signal to search engines (Google)... [Read more]

Use Viddle to build a substantial income online #ad

As we have reported, Neil Napier released Viddle several days ago. It is SaaS software that lets you create videos and save them in the cloud. Since video is such a useful tool to drive sales, you can easily get a return on your investment if all you do is create your own Viddle videos. Here are some of the benefits of this new tool: ► Easily record... [Read more]

How to Measure Google’s E-A-T Criteria and Improve Your Organic Results, June 10 [Webinar]

Google’s three pillars of E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness) is the Search Engine’s quality control to protect searchers from low-quality content. Marketing Land is hosting a webinar ‘How to Measure Google’s E-A-T Criteria and Improve Your Organic Results’ on Thursday, June 10, 2021, at EDT. The Marketing... [Read more]

The power of Email Marketing for Software Companies [E-book]

Email is one of the most important marketing channels in today’s marketing mix. It helps you directly reach your prospective customers and sell your products. Sendinblue has published a new e-book titled ‘The power of Email Marketing for Software Companies’. This e-book explains the following: Why email marketing is essential for... [Read more]

Six Strategies for Better Remote Communication

Remote work has become an integral part of the post-COVID-19. Working from home has is seen as a preferred way of working for several people across the globe. Instructional Solutions contributor Samantha Taylor has shared six useful strategies to help you improve remote communication. She says, “From our experience, employing the following approaches... [Read more]

Powerful VSLCreator helps you sell more with easy videos #ad

"VSL" stands for Video Sales Letter. Ingram says this new tool is the "fastest drag and drop software for unlimited sales videos and marketing scripts." Not only that; it's the only platform available that combines a fill-in-the-blank script with studio-quality video creation, and that does it all in minutes, plus you don't need to have any experience to use it... [Read more]

Three Tips for Writing Great a Linkedin Summary

Social media plays a very important role in the marketing and sales processes. Especially, networks like LinkedIn help you connect with professional contacts and promote your products and services. Mary Cullen of Instructional Solutions has published an article highlighting three useful strategies to write a great LinkedIn summary for better results. She... [Read more]

Content Operations Best Practices with Airtable, June 10 [Webinar]

Successful content marketing depends on timely content creation and delivery. By creating a content calendar and working according to it, you can continue to excel in your business. Content Marketing Institute is hosting a webinar ‘Content Operations Best Practices with Airtable’ on Thursday, June 10, 2021, at 1.00 pm ET. The CMI team says,... [Read more]

Working from home with pets in the house

Many online marketers and solo entrepreneurs have been working from home for years. During the last year or so, the number has grown as many offices were locked down. Surveys report that having tasted the freedom of movement and relaxed atmosphere of working from home, many of these “johnnies-come-lately” want to stay where they are, thank... [Read more]

Marketing Funnels: free virtual summit #ad

Brunson and 30+ other entrepreneurs (like Dean Graziosi, Peng Joon, and Natalie Hodson) are going to share — PAGE BY PAGE — the exact sales funnels they’re using to grow their businesses. Several years ago, Russell Brunson wrote the book DotCom Secrets, where he talks about the 10 core funnels that he uses every day to market and grow his companies... [Read more]

Why Google’s Focus on User Intent Matters to You [Video]

Perficient, Inc. has published a new video ‘Why Google’s Focus on User Intent Matters to You’ featuring Duane Forrester, VP of Industry Insights at Yex. Te Perficient team says, “Search engines, like Google and Bing, are laser-focused on user intent because meeting their users’ needs will keep them coming back. But, what does that... [Read more]

MOZ Shares Tech SEO Site Audit Checklist

MOZ contributor Cyrus Shepard has published 100% free tech SEO site audit checklist for SEO agencies, consultants, and website owners. He says, “Originally, we set out to create a solid technical SEO audit checklist — one that covered all the important technical SEO areas which could have a significant impact on rankings/traffic and could... [Read more]

CMI Shares Proofreading and Editing Tips

To produce quality content, you need to learn how to proofread and edit it. By removing grammatical errors and making your content easy to follow, you can make it more reader-friendly. Content Marketing Institute’s Ann Gynn has shared some useful content proofreading and editing tips. She says, “With your editor’s hat on, follow this five-step... [Read more]

VSLCreator: professional video sales letters at your fingertips #ad

SmartWriterr is getting a good reception from online marketers. 500 copies were sold in about 12 hours. IM NewsWatch was one of the buyers. This new software can assist you in all of your copywriting needs: Sales Page Copy, Video Sales Letters and Scripts, Blog Posts and SEO Articles, Product Descriptions, Ad copy, And much more... [Read more]

Three Strategies to Improve Your Content Ranking

Google Search ranks content based on quality. relevance and engagement. By creating content that helps your audience, you can also win the attention of the search giant. Content Marketing Institute contributor Manick Bhan has shared three useful strategies to rank your content higher in the search engine result pages. He says, “Let’s look at... [Read more]

Avoid These Spam Trigger Words in Your Email Subject

In email marketing, your words matter the most. From the subject line to the email content, you need to be alert in your communication. Mequoda contributor Kim Mateus has published an article highlighting subject line spam trigger words. She says, “Email subject lines are just one part of the email delivery equation. Emails are delivered to inboxes... [Read more]

Instagram Growth With Organic Content: A Comprehensive Guide [Video]

Social Media Examiner has published a new video ‘Instagram Growth With Organic Content: A Comprehensive Guide’ to help you achieve Instagram marketing success. The SME team says, “Want to grow your Instagram reach and exposure? Wondering what to post? Learn how to grow your Instagram account without ads by watching this in-depth guide... [Read more]

VSLCreator: professional video sales letters at your fingertips #ad

Video marketing is forecasted to hit $100 billion by 2023, and with Agency Studio, you can get a slice of that opportunity with your own video marketing agency. And as a result of the marketing tools built into this software, you can build your agency without cold calling or even cold emailing... [Read more]

How to Build Links in Difficult Niches [E-book]

Link-buildig is one of the most important SEO tactics that helps you get more website traffic. By getting quality links to your website, you can improve its reputation in Google Search. Receptional has published a new e-book titled ‘How to build links in difficult niches’. The Receptional team says, ” In highly competitive markets,... [Read more]

5 Costly Facebook Ad Mistakes to Avoid [Video]

Facebook advertising is one of the best ways to enhance your reach to more and more social media users. By creating effective ads, you can attract more people. Social Media Examiner has published a new video ‘5 Costly Facebook Ad Mistakes to Avoid’ featuring Emily Hirsh. The SME team says, “Struggling to improve Facebook ad results?... [Read more]

Core Web Vital Testing Questions [Podcast]

Searchmetrics has published a new podcast ‘Core Web Vital Testing Questions’ featuring Karl Kleinschmidt. The Searchmetrics team says, “Join host Ben as he concludes the two-part episode with Searchmetrics’ Senior SEO Strategist Karl Kleinschmidt. Together they chat about understanding field data vs. lab data. Ben and Karl address... [Read more]

How to trigger an automated email campaign from your Landing Page [Video]

AWeber has published a new video ‘How to trigger an automated email campaign from your Landing Page’ explaining how to manage automated email campaigns. AWeber  [Read more]

Customer Expectations are More Demanding Than a Year Ago. Are You Prepared? [Webinar Replay]

ClickZ has made available a replay of the webinar ‘Customer Expectations are More Demanding Than a Year Ago. Are You Prepared?’ featuring Justin Sharaf and Aston Whiteling. The ClickZ team says, “Don’t miss out on your chance to achieve and improve customer loyalty with this on-demand webinar from Jahia. From digital-only events... [Read more]

Are You Using ‘H1 Headings’ Correctly?

The SEO process requires you to pay attention to every code that lies on your web pages. By optimizing every snippet and headings, you can gain maximum from your attempts. Search Engine Journal contributor Roger Montti has shared the results of a survey on the use of H1 Headings by SEOs. He has also shared some useful strategies to improve your SEO... [Read more]

The Essential Local SEO Strategy Guide

MOZ has published ‘The Essential Local SEO Strategy Guide’ to support digital marketing agencies and local business owners who want to gain an excellent understanding of topics and tactics within local search marketing. This multi-chapter guide covers: Understanding Google’s local SERPs Assessing demand and analyzing local markets Analyzing... [Read more]

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