Everything you need to know about Google Optimize - IM NewsWatch, July 11, 2019

July 11th, 2019 at 8:01 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Thursday, July 11, 2019

The Best New Pinterest Marketing Strategies Working Today [Podcast]

The Buffer contributor Heather-Mae Pusztai has published a new podcast episode titled ‘The Best New Pinterest Marketing Strategies Working Today’. Listen to this podcast to learn how you can improve your marketing on Pinterest. Pusztai says, “One of the most powerful and effective social media channelsyou can be on today is Pinterest. It... [Read more]

‘Data Enrichment for Email: Five Things You Need to Do ’ Webinar 2.00 pm ET [Webinar]

MarketingProfs is hosting a webinar on ‘Data Enrichment for Email: Five Things You Need to Do’ on Thursday, July 11, 2019 at 2.00 pm ET. The MarketingProfs team says, “Being a data-driven marketer is no longer just an option—it’s the only option. But email marketers are struggling with how to use customer data... [Read more]

‘5 Things to Consider When Launching Influencer Marketing Campaigns’ Webinar 2.00 pm ET [Webinar]

Influencer marketing has created new opportunities for the brands and marketers to reach out new markets and enhance their business. With right planning you can reap great benefits from your influencer marketing campaigns. The Search Engine Journal team is hosting a webinar on ‘5 Things to Consider When Launching Influencer Marketing Campaigns’... [Read more]

This just in: Mark Dulisse releases Ultimate FB Platform: Chat Robot #ad

We just learned that Mark Dulisse is releasing his: Ultimate FB Platform: Chat Robot this morning. The goal of this new software is to help you get new contacts, make more sales and support your customers better. Here’s a run-down of the capabilities of this new software’s capabilities: ► Messenger Bot Builder ► Lead Magnet Tools (6) ►... [Read more]

‘How Digital Marketers Leverage Schemas to Drive SEO & Voice Search’ Webinar July 24 [Webinar]

The Search Engine Journal team is hosting a webinar on ‘How Digital Marketers Leverage Schemas to Drive SEO & Voice Search’ on Wednesday, July 24 at 2.00 PM ET. The SEJ team says, “Join this webinar as our panel of experts discuss top search trends, schemas, and how voice search is impacting online opportunities in 2019. We... [Read more]

Everything You Need to Know about Google Optimize

The Google Optimize testing tool helps webmasters make their customers site visit experience more relevant. It also enables you to increase site conversions, run A/B tests and redirect tests. Google has published a new document highlighting the key features of Google Optimize. Click on the following link to access it. Google Optimize Google... [Read more]

31M Americans to Shop using Smart Speakers in 2019 [Research]

An eMarketer research has revealed that 31 million Americans will shop using their smart speakers in 2019. This stat shows approximately 31.6% growth in the use of smart speakers for purchases as compared to 2018. The report states that by 2021, around 38 million Americans will shop using smart speakers. Jaimie Chung, senior forecasting... [Read more]

My Video Spy: competitor research for better ranking #ad

Video makes a positive impact on your sales results, if: • People actually see them. • The right people see them. You need ranking in search engines for people to see them. You need to choose the right keywords to rank so that the right people see them. Today, Joshua Zamora is releasing a new tool to improve your video marketing: My Video... [Read more]

Four Ways to Generate More Leads using LinkedIn

When it comes to social media marketing LinkedIn has been a great resource for the marketers. It helps brands in targeting the right prospects online. The Social Media Examiner contributor Josh Turner has shared four ways to use LinkedIn for turning cold prospects into leads. Turner says, “Do you want more warm leads from LinkedIn? Wondering... [Read more]

Eight-Step Guide to Use Facebook Live in Marketing

Your marketing strategy needs a blend of different tools to reach out more and more prospects and achieve sales success. Facebook Live is one such tool to strengthen your marketing efforts. The Social Media Examiner contributor Desiree Martinez has shared an eight-step guide to use Facebook Live to improve your marketing. Martinez says,... [Read more]

Growing Your Business with Chat Bots [Podcast]

The chatbots have revolutionized marketing communications. With the right bot you can stay in constant connection with your prospects and customers. The Duct Tape Marketing team has published a new podcast episode on ‘Growing Your Business with Chat Bots’. Listen to this podcast episode and learn how to use chatbots to achieve business... [Read more]

Animaze: professional 3D animated videos to use or sell #ad

Neil Napier calls Animaze “the Biggest innovation in the video creation market”. Others call it “mind-blowing”, “last video creator you will ever need”, “stunning” and more. This new software makes videos like nothing you have seen before. You can upload your own head shot photo (or one for a client),... [Read more]

The Best Ways to Analyze Your SERP Competitors [Podcast]

The RankRanger team has published a new podcast episode titled ‘The Best Ways to Analyze Your SERP Competitors’. Listen to this podcast to learn how you can understand the tactics of your search engine results page competitors and win at the search engine game. The RankRanger team says, “This week we welcome Investing.com’s Igal... [Read more]

Google’s Tips to Improve Organization’s Data Strategy?

An effective data management strategy enables you to make your marketing efforts rewarding. With proper data management you can target the right market and get more sales. Alex Shellhammer Head of Publisher Marketing, Google Ad Manager has shared four ways to help you improve your organization’s data strategy. says, “As the Deloitte activation... [Read more]

‘9 Social Media Metrics That Matter’ Webinar 1.00 PM EDT [Webinar]

The Adweek team is hosting a webinar on ‘9 Social Media Metrics That Matter’ on Wednesday, July 10 at 1.00 PM EDT. The Adweek team says, “Social analytics don’t hold much value if you can’t clearly measure ROI. It’s not enough to know what people are saying. You’ve got to be able to put the results in context to ensure... [Read more]

TrafficXPro launches your affiliate site in seconds #ad

Mosh Bari has just released new software he calls TrafficXPro. Using it, Bari reports, you can build websites that publish useful content for your visitors and do it at no cost to you, automatically, based on a keyword you choose. TrafficXPro searches for unique content from 10 well-known viral content sites, specifically: ► Facebook ► YouTube ►... [Read more]

Tips to Create Effective Email Subject Lines

In email marketing, the first step to achieve success is to get your emails opened. And here the email subject line plays the pivotal role. The Merkle contributor Shruti Sinha has shared some useful tips on creating the email subject lines that help you to increase open rates. Sinha says, “Given its cost effectiveness, email can help... [Read more]

Six Ways Mobile App Can Strengthen Your E-commerce Business

Today’s world is app driven. We see that a variety of mobile apps are helping their developers to prosper. The Entrepreneur contributor Ashwin Vairu has shared six ways a mobile app can help you to grow your e-commerce business. Vairu says, “ThinkWithGoogle has done an analysis. It indicates that when users want to shop for a product,... [Read more]

Four Tips to Start a Marketing Business

In the age of digital, it has become an easy task to launch a new business. But if you want to survive and succeed in your new business you need a strong plan to achieve your goals. The Entrepreneur magazine contributor Josh Harris has shared four tips to start a marketing business with your laptop. Harris says, “It’s absolutely possible... [Read more]

DFY Hero: Proven-To-Convert Websites #ad

If you have a problem putting together a professional looking, sales generating website, you might want to check out 'DFY Hero'. It contains over 100 websites ready for your domain name so you can start selling. (By the way, your domain is optional. You can use yours or, if you prefer, use theirs.) These were created by a team led by Cindy Donovan... [Read more]

Social Media Examiner’s ‘Video Marketing Summit 2019’, August 5-9

The Social Media Examiner is hosting online ‘Video Marketing Summit 2019’ on August 5-9. Attend the summit to learn: Create videos that sellSetup YouTube channels (and ads)Use Facebook video adsCreate compelling Instagram Stories and IGTV contentSucceed with live videoLeverage LinkedIn video. The expert speakers and their topics... [Read more]

When (and How) to Use Marketing Automation [Podcast]

The MarketingProfs team has published a new podcast episode titled ‘When (and How) to Use Marketing Automation’ featuring Katie Robbert. Listen to this podcast to discover some useful techniques on using marketing automation. You will learn the following: Many routine marketing tasks are candidates for automation Sometimes, doing... [Read more]

HubSpot’s Guide to Sponsored Content

The HubSpot team has published a Guide to Sponsored Content. This guide highlights some brand success stories that achieved growth using the sponsored content. Pamela Brump says, “When it comes to branded or sponsored content, trust is a major factor that engages potential customers. In fact, when marketers sponsor content from a trusted... [Read more]

BotNinja Viral Contests: new Facebook Messenger marketing tool #ad

BotNinja is a platform for developing Facebook Messenger bots. It has a built-in Artificial Intelligence capability that it uses to develop smart robots (or "bots") that interact with Facebook Messenger. Why should you care? Facebook's Messenger service is too big to ignore. Over 1 billion people are using it to interact, not just with their friends but also with businesses, every month... [Read more]

How to Write a Blog Post [Guide]

The HubSpot contributor Rachel Leist has published a step-by-step guide on writing effective blog posts. This guide is divided into following sections: 1. Understand your audience2. Create your blog domain3. Customize your blog’s theme4. Identify your first blog post’s topic5. Come up with a working title6. Write an intro (and make... [Read more]

Five Link Building Practices You Should Avoid

Link building is an essential element to level up your website’s popularity. Quality links help you to get more flow of traffic from different sources. The Yoast contributor Marieke van de Rakt has shared five link building practices you need to give up. Marieke says, “In the old days, link building meant putting links on as many... [Read more]

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