Everything You Need to Know about Sitelinks - IM NewsWatch Newsletter, July 3, 2020

July 3rd, 2020 at 9:24 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Friday, July 3, 2020

Everything You Need to Know about Sitelinks

Sitelinks are links to other pages that appear under Google search results. Searchers use sitelinks to find relevant information from the search results.Ahrefs contributor Patrick Stox has shared an article on sitelinks and how to edit them.Stox says, “Sitelinks are one of the most common search features. They appear in 1.8% of SERPs in... [Read more]

Four Ways to Get Customer Feedback for Better Marketing Results

Positive customer reviews enable businesses to understand what they are doing right and where they need to improve. With customer feedback you can bring improvement in your products and services.Search Engine Watch contributor Maria Kazakova has shared four ways to get customer feedback and use it as a driving force to grow your business.Kazakova... [Read more]

How to Clean Up Your Old Social Media Posts

Wired contributor Henrik Sorensen has published an article highlighting some useful tips to clean up your old social media posts.Sorensen says, “AS SOCIAL MEDIA platforms have evolved, they’ve become more and more about the moment—what you’re doing now, rather than what you were doing five years ago. While looking back through... [Read more]

Offline Marketing IM Checklists by Kevin Fahey, with PLR #ad

Local business owners are generalists. They have to do everything at their business or hire someone rlse to do it. They don’t have time to be experts at copywriting, marketing strategy, and media selection. They probably know almost nothing about what it takes to do good marketing online.That’s why they need a marketing expert like you... [Read more]

Vertical Leap Shares 13 Steps to Building an International SEO Presence

An effective SEO strategy enables you to grow your online business by receiving more web traffic. By creating an international SEO plan, you can enhance your presence in multiple countries.Vertical Leap contributor Dave Colgate has shared 13 useful steps to building an international SEO presence.Colgate says, “International SEO is far more... [Read more]

13-Step Guide to Grow Your Domain Authority

Domain authority is a measure of the power of a domain name. It is one of search engine ranking factors. Domain authority matters a lot when it comes to achieving higher SEO rankings. Jeff Bullas has shared a 13-step process to help you grow your domain authority.Domain authority refers to a score that indicates the authority of your website... [Read more]

Five Steps to Optimize for Voice Search

By optimizing for voice search, you can enhance your chances of getting more website traffic from multiple devices.Go Fish Digital contributor Pierce Brelinsky has shared five steps to optimize for voice search.Brelinsky says, “Currently, about 44% of users use voice search technology every day. These numbers are expected to grow as natural... [Read more]

Low Cost Marketing Strategies for you and your followers #ad

Today, Content Sparks, the training development company operated by Sharyn Sheldon, releases its newest PLR training package, Low Cost Marketing Strategies.In these days when nearly all companies are needing to cut expenses due to a pandemic-related drop in sales, they need a menu of low-cost marketing techniques that will bring in sales without spending... [Read more]

URL Structure: 13 Questions Answered

A secure and accessible website, page loading speed, website’s mobile friendliness, URL and optimized content are the elements that help you to form an effective SEO strategy.Your website address i.e. URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is the address of an online resource. With an SEO optimized URL structure you can improve your website traffic.... [Read more]

How to Use Instagram as a Sales Funnel Without Ads [Podcast]

With right Instagram images and videos, you can create a strong marketing message and boost your sales.Social Media Examiner’s Michael Stelzner has published a new podcast episode ‘How to Use Instagram as a Sales Funnel Without Ads’ featuring Elise Darma.Stelzner says, “Wondering how to use Instagram for sales? Looking for... [Read more]

How Google creates human-first mobile experiences [Video]

The Think with Google team has published a new video titled ‘How Google creates human-first mobile experiences’ to share how the company treats data.The TWG team says, “In this episode of our video series The Update, Natalie Zmuda, global executive editor of Think with Google, talks to Marvin Chow, VP of consumer apps marketing at... [Read more]

341Hosting Unlimited: 3 years of hosting for less than many charge for 1 #ad

That’s right 341 (that is, Three for One) Hosting Unlimited offers you three years of hosting for a lower cost than many hosting companies charge for a single year. This isn’t bargain basement second-class hosting either. Here’s the first-class list of what they are offering you:► Host Unlimited Websites► Unlimited SSD-Optimized... [Read more]

Increase Your Conversions Using Colour [Podcast]

Colours influence your marketing campaigns. Different colours can impact the way customer perceive your products in ways that aren’t always apparent.Exposure Ninja has published a new podcast episode ‘Increase Your Conversions Using Colour’ to help you improve your conversion rates.Tim Cameron says, “I hope you’ve been... [Read more]

Four Tips to Build More Links

Quality links are a great asset for your online business. by securing links from higher ranking websites, you can continue to get more search engine traffic.Search Engine Land contributor George Nguyen has shared four ways to build more links.Nguyen says, “Creating high-quality content can strengthen your business’ branding and facilitate... [Read more]

Rand Fishkin Shares Three Google Ranking Secrets

By achieving higher ranking in Google search, you can grow your chances to boost your business success. Rand Fishkin has shared three secrets to achieving higher ranking in Google search.Fishkin says, “Years ago, one might reasonably separate the elements of Google’s results into distinct entities: Google News, Books, Videos, Images, Local…... [Read more]

Group Bomb: How to use Facebook groups to grow your online business #ad

James Renouf has been experimenting with using the power of Facebook groups for marketing.They are powerful because the members of the group tend to honor the group leader an, as a result, tend to follow his/her suggestions. For an ethical group leader who only suggests useful products, this relationship can be the gateway to a long-term income.Today,... [Read more]

Our Top 10 Marketing Lessons For 2020 [Video]

Neil Patel and Eric Siu have published a new video ‘Our Top 10 Marketing Lessons For 2020’.Neil Patel and Eric Siu decided to help get your business ready for the changes in 2020 by going live with the next series of Marketing School podcast episodes. Join us in today’s recording session.He says, “We’ll discuss topics like the... [Read more]

How to Increase Domain Rating (Website Authority) [Video]

The domain authority of a website describes its relevance for a specific subject area or industry. Search engines assess domain authority through automated analytic algorithms. If your domain matches with the subject, your prospects for ranking become high.Ahrefs has published a new video ‘How to Increase Domain Rating (Website Authority)’... [Read more]

Republishing Content: How to Update Blog Posts For More Organic Traffic [Video]

By republishing your content, you can get more shares and more links to the content. It also reduces burden of constantly creating new content.Joshua Hardwick of Ahrefs has published a new video ‘Republishing Content: How to Update Blog Posts For More Organic Traffic’ to help you republish your existing content.Hardwick says, “Do... [Read more]

SociBot: Facebook and Instagram promotions that work #ad

SociBot is an automated social traffic and sales system for promoting your product or an affiliate product on Facebook and Instagram. It allows you to create highly profitable promotional contests on both platforms, and it automates a lot of the work. It helps you to engage, automate, convert, retarget and monetize your social media traffic, turning social media users into paying customers... [Read more]

Six WordPress Security Plugins for Your Blog

To provide a safe surfing experience to your visitors, you need to use the right tools. By integrating security plugins in your WordPress blog, you can enhance your blog security.Quick Sprout’s Lars Lofgren has shared a list of six useful WordPress security plugins for your blog.Lofgren says, “There are so many different security plugins... [Read more]

Ahrefs Shares 63 SEO Statistics for 2020

Ahrefs has shared 63 useful SEO Statistics for 2020. This list covers top SEO statistics, ranking statistics, backlink statistics, keyword statistics, SEO industry statistics and more.Si Quan Ong says, “These are the most interesting SEO stats we think you should know.68% of online experiences begin with a search engine. (BrightEdge)0.78%... [Read more]

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