Digital Marketing Hacks for 2020 - IM NewsWatch, February 10, 2020

February 10th, 2020 at 7:07 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Monday, February 10, 2020

Supercharging Your Product Campaigns [Guide]

Your business performance depends on the way you address marketing and advertising. Creation of persuasive product marketing campaigns is a challenge but with creative efforts you can create the ones that attract millions. Marketing Week team has published a new guide ‘Supercharging Your Product Campaigns’ to help marketers create outstanding... [Read more]

Digital Marketing Hacks for 2020 [Video]

Digital marketing continues to evolve and reach new heights with the development of new technologies. To optimally utilize the tech available for marketing you need to constantly experiment with it. Entrepreneur magazine team has published a new video ‘Digital Marketing Hacks for 2020’ featuring Carlos Gil. Entrepreneur team... [Read more]

Five Ways to Spot Fake Influencers

Influencer marketing has brought a new channel for businesses to promote their products and services keeping their budget under control. But it has become a challenge to find out the right influencers online. Entrepreneur magazine contributor Lee Scarratt has shared five ways to help you spot fake influencers. Scarratt says, “The... [Read more]

WP Trend Keywords: Keyword Research Plugin (Free) #ad

Alessandro Zamboni and Bruno Giannella are giving away a WordPress plugin that helps you find trending topics in your niche, WP Trend Keywords. Install this plugin on your site, then see top trending keywords from six search engines in real time. This tool helps you to locate new trends as soon as they go live, all over the world. One click and you... [Read more]

50% Marketers will Use LinkedIn for Marketing by 2021 [Research]

A study conducted by eMarketer has revealed some significant findings on use of LinkedIn by marketers. According to the study, 50.3% of marketers will use LinkedIn for marketing and advertising purposes by 2021. In 2020, approximately 49.6% of companies with 100+ employees are expected to use this platform. eMarketer senior forecasting... [Read more]

‘Empathy—The No. 1 Driver of Growth in 2020 and Beyond’ Webinar February 12 [Webinar]

By understanding human .psychology you can make your marketing irresistible. Research has revealed that empathizing with people is the best way to persuade them. eMarketer is hosting a webinar on ‘Empathy—The No. 1 Driver of Growth in 2020 and Beyond’ on Wednesday, February 12, 2020 at 2.00 pm ET to help you improve your marketing with... [Read more]

Developing Loyal Fans: The Future of Marketing [Podcast]

To grow your business every day you need to reach more people and get loyal customers. Differrnt marketing platforms can help you to connect with your target audience and persuade them to take actions. Social Media Examiner’s Michael Stelzner has published a podcast ‘Developing Loyal Fans: The Future of Marketing’ to help you... [Read more]

Build websites for local businesses from one-click templates #ad

Jack Hopman‘s team has built a collection of websites for local businesses that you can upload, customize, and sell to local clients (or use yourself). The Rapify Local collection is so well designed that you can install a site, Hopman says, with just one click. CNN reports that 45% of local businesses still do not have a website. They need you... [Read more]

The Step by Step Guide to Succeeding with Digital Content Creation [Guide]

Quality content helps you to win people’s trust. The objective of content creation needs to be help people first and than to convert them into customers. In the age of innovative digital tools it has become easy to create content in different formats. But clarity on what you need to create can make your efforts rewarding. Marketing... [Read more]

‘Steps to Marketing Success for Professional Services Businesses’ Webinar February 11 [Webinar]

Effective marketing is the backbone of any business. You need to put in constant efforts to make it a winning formula that gets you the best ROI. Duct Tape Marketing is hosting a webinar on ‘Steps to Marketing Success for Professional Services Businesses’ on Tuesday, February 11, 2020 at 1.00 pm ET. In this session you’ll discover: Why... [Read more]

7 SEO Processes That Get Easier with Increased PageRank/Domain Authority [Video]

Your website page rank reflects the quality of page content and how Google ranks it. Higher page rank can help you to score better in SEO rankings. MOZ team has published new Whiteboard Friday video ‘7 SEO Processes That Get Easier with Increased PageRank/Domain Authority’ featuring Cyrush Shepard. MOZ team says, “A rising... [Read more]

What? Me a Business Coach? #ad

You have been around for a while. You know things a beginner in your field needs to learn. Why not start a coaching program online and invite beginners to learn from you? This can be a good business and can be a big help to beginners in your field... [Read more]

Improving SEO with Log File Analysis

Log files are automatically created by a server. These file consist of various activities performed on your website. You can learn about the page requests you have received with the log files. Hallam’s Elliot Haines has shared an article highlighting the ways you can use log files for better SEO. Haines says, “For SEO purposes, we... [Read more]

Create Better Content Using Video Data [White Paper]

Content creation should involve an in-depth research that helps you to identify what is in demand. Analyzing your prospects and customers’ content consumption habits you can move on to create the content people want. Target Marketing team has published a new white paper ‘Create Better Content Using Video Data’ to help you create... [Read more]

‘Google Ads & Phone Call Conversions’ Webinar February 25 [Webinar]

By using Google advertising solutions you can expand your online reach and create more sales. Since Google offers a variety ways to advertise your products and services it is quite a task to choose the format your business needs. Digital Marketing Depot is hosting a webinar on ‘Google Ads & Phone Call Conversions’ on Tuesday, February... [Read more]

World’s First & Only Freelance marketplace builder #ad

You have heard of Fiverr, Freelancer, Upwork, etc. They are sites where you can sell your services to other businesses. Now, you don't have to use these sites and give them a cut of your profits. You can have a marketplace with professional look and feel right on your own website, where you can sell your services without paying a 20% commission... [Read more]

Top SEO Best Practices for Content Marketers in 2020 [Podcast]

SEO plays an important role in content marketing. By following the search engine algorithm changes and focusing right keywords you can achieve your content marketing goals. Impact contributor Liz Moorehead has published a new podcast episode ‘Top SEO best practices for content marketers in 2020’ featuring Franco Valentino. Moorehead... [Read more]

Five Ways to Research Blog Topics and Drive Traffic

Blogging is an evergreen marketing technique. By regularly publishing useful content you can stay in touch with your target audience and continue to generate more sales. Choosing the right blogging topic is a tricky thing. To help you do this, Impact contributor Kevin Phillips has shared five ways to research blog topics that will drive traffic... [Read more]

Are You Making These YouTube SEO Mistakes?

Millions of videos are published on YouTube every day. If you want your video content to reach more people, you need to be well-versed with right SEO strategies. Impact contributor Zach Banser has shared five common YouTube SEO mistakes that publishers make. Banser says, “Let’s get into the most common mistakes we see businesses... [Read more]

Luther Landro's 20 minute workday on LinkedIn #ad

Luther Landro, online marketing trainer, reports he was able to earn $105,000 in a year on LinkedIn, working 20 Minutes a day, offering services to other LinkedIn members. As you may know, LinkedIn is popular with business owners, unlike Facebook, which caters to all kinds of people, including many (probably the majority) who are not in business... [Read more]

Beginner’s Guide to LinkedIn Advertising

LinkedIn’a sponsored content, text ads, sponsored InMail and video ads can help you to reach your target audience on its network. Search Engine Journal’s Ashley Segura has published a guide to advertising on LinkedIn. Segura says, “LinkedIn used to be extremely limited with its advertising options, leaving hardly any room... [Read more]

Ways to Get More E-commerce Product Reviews

Your e-commerce business can grow faster with customer support. By getting customer reviews for the products you are selling, you can win trust of the new prospects and boost your sales. Jeff Bullas has shared five ways to get more e-commerce product reviews for growing your business. Bullas says, “Your customers have busy lives,... [Read more]

Your Guide to Using Google’s Speed Report for Effective SEO

Search engine optimization performance depends on the kind of strategies you adopt for various tasks including keyword research, content creation and more. Seer Interactive’s Savannah Boone has shared a useful guide on improving your SEO with Google’s speed report. Boone says, “This how-to guide will dive into why these... [Read more]

Why I’m Moving All My Google Ad Campaigns Over to Smart Bidding [Podcast]

Site Visibility team has published a new podcast episode ‘Why I’m Moving All My Google Ad Campaigns Over to Smart Bidding’ featuring Rob Watson. Site Visibility team says, “On today’s episode of the Internet Marketing Podcast, Andy is joined by Rob Watson, founder at Freewheeling to talk about why after 12 months of testing,... [Read more]

Improve SEO with These Keyword Research Tools

Keyword research remains at the heart of an SEO strategy. By selecting the most appropriate keywords you can create content that gets you desired web traffic from search engines. To help you smoothly perform the keyword research process, SEMrush contributor Rob Woods has shared a list of 12 useful keyword research tools. Woods says, “Keyword... [Read more]

‘Steps to Marketing Success for Professional Services Businesses’ Webinar February 11 [Webinar]

Effective marketing is the backbone of any business. You need to put in constant efforts to make it a winning formula that gets you the best ROI. Duct Tape Marketing is hosting a webinar on ‘Steps to Marketing Success for Professional Services Businesses’ on Tuesday, February 11, 2020 at 1.00 pm ET. In this session you’ll discover: Why... [Read more]

AWeber’s 2020 Valentine’s Day GIF Guide

Picture speak louder than words. Especially at the time of festivals quality images help you in getting wider attention. AWeber contributor Jill Fanslau has published ‘2020 Valentine’s Day GIF Guide’ sharing a set of images you can use to improve your email marketing this Valentine’s day. Fanslau says, “This Valentine’s... [Read more]

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