Content After the Apocalypse Webinar - IM NewsWatch Newsletter, July 7, 2020

July 7th, 2020 at 8:34 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Facebook Algorithm to Favor Original Reporting [Podcast]

Search Engine Journal’s Christine Zirnheld has published a new podcast episode ‘Facebook Algorithm to Favor Original Reporting’ highlighting how Facebook is going to treat original reporting on its network.Zirnheld says, “This week on Marketing O’Clock, the team covers Facebook’s newsworthy algorithm change, free... [Read more]

Beginner’s Guide to Inbound Links

Search Engine Journal’s Helen Pollitt has published a new guide called ‘A Beginner’s Guide to Inbound Links: What Are They & How to Get More of Them’ to help you learn about and use inbound links.Pollitt says, “Inlinks, backlinks, inbound links.They all mean the same thing – someone else’s web property is linking... [Read more]

‘Content After the Apocalypse’ Webinar July 21 [Webinar]

If you are finding it difficult to connect with customers and prospects in the current state of the world, here is a useful webinar coming up on July 21.MarketingProfs is hosting this webinar ‘Content After the Apocalypse’ on Tuesday, July 21, 2020 at 2.00 pm PT.The MarketingProfs team says, “Now is the time to build (or rebuild) your connection... [Read more]

Affilibuilder builds affiliate websites in a flash #ad

Affiliate marketing, in which you find interested people and send them to a merchant’s website for a commission, is one of the quickest ways to get started online. And it’s not just for start-ups. Some big businesses do nothing but affiliate marketing.If you do all the work by hand, though, it can be time-consuming. That’s why we... [Read more]

Three-Step Guide to Creating Facebook Lead Ads

With Facebook Lead Ads, you can allow users to stay on the platform to submit your lead form. With this form of ads, you can avoid sending your prospects to external lead pages.Social Media Examiner’s Paul Ramondo has shared a three-step process to help you create Facebook Lead Ads.Ramondo says, “To learn how to create Facebook lead ads,... [Read more]

Optimizing and Updating Your Content for B2B Success [Podcast]

Searchmetrics has published a new podcast episode ‘Optimizing and Updating Your Content for B2B Success’ featuring Lillian Haase.Episode Overview: Most content requires some technical tweaks or edits after publication to truly maximize any content piece’s reach. SEO strategies and data acquisition are integral to these processes. Join... [Read more]

How to Use Instagram Tagging for More Exposure [Video]

When it comes to social media marketing, Facebook and Instagram are the leading platforms with growing audience. With an effective promotional strategy and techniques, you can grow your online sales.Social Media Examiner has published a new video ‘How to Use Instagram Tagging for More Exposure’ featuring Jenn Herman.The SME team says,... [Read more]

Offline Marketing checklists for consultants by Kevin Fahey, with PLR #ad

Local business owners are generalists. They have to do everything at their business or hire someone rlse to do it. They don't have time to be experts at copywriting, marketing strategy, and media selection. They probably know almost nothing about what it takes to do good marketing online... [Read more]

How to Deal with Keyword Research During Pandemic

Effective keyword research helps you to find and focus right keywords for better search engine marketing. The SEO has changed in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic. To keep your search engine performance steady during these tough times, you need to cope with the search engine algorithm changes.Kozai’s Gary Hainsworth has published an article highlighting... [Read more]

‘The Role of Marketing in the All-Digital World’ Webinar July 14 [Webinar]

With the changing times and situation around the world, the ways in which marketing is done are also changing. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many more things are turning digital.Martech Today is hosting this webinar ‘The Role of Marketing in the All-Digital World’ on Tuesday, July 14, 2020 at 1.00 pm EDT.The Martech Today team says, “Marketers... [Read more]

Page Speed Optimization: Metrics, Tools, and How to Improve [Video]

MOZ has published a new Whiteboard Friday video titled ‘Page Speed Optimization: Metrics, Tools, and How to Improve’ featuring Britney Muller.Watch this video to learn how to optimize your site for Google and improve page speed.The MOZ team says, “Page speed has always been a crucial part of SEO work, and as more companies make... [Read more]

Content Sparks releases "Low-Cost Marketing Strategies" with PLR #ad

In these days when nearly all companies are needing to cut expenses due to a pandemic-related drop in sales, they need a menu of low-cost marketing techniques that will bring in sales without spending money they don't have. That's true of our company. Maybe, it's true for you, too. This new training will supply you with a kit of low-cost marketing ideas that cn see you through these hard time, and continue offering you value forever.... [Read more]

Bill Slawski on How Google Might Rank Image Search Results

Google continues to update its search engine algorithm for providing better search experience to its users. The recurring changes bring variation in how the search engine would rank your content.SEO by the Sea’s Bill Slawski has published an article titled ‘How Google Might Rank Image Search Results’.Slawski says, “As I was... [Read more]

Yoast’s Linguistic Approach to Creating High Ranking Content

Yoast SEO expert Fleur Heesen has published an article highlighting a linguistic approach to creating content that ranks.Heesen says, “Before we can go into the linguistic approach to SEO, we first have to understand what language is. Language consists of many different aspects. Think about it: we make speech sounds or write letters, which together... [Read more]

What’s The Best Time to Publish Your Blog Posts?

Blogging is a rewarding marketing tactic. By adjusting your content and your schedule with your audience priorities and interests in mind, you can get better results from your blogging efforts.Blogging Wizard’s Kim Lochery has an article highlighting the best time to publish your blog posts.Lochery says, “Timing is everything when it... [Read more]

341Hosting Unlimited: 3 years of hosting for less than many charge for 1 #ad

341 (that is, Three for One) Hosting Unlimited offers you three years of hosting for a lower cost than many hosting companies charge for a single year. This isn't bargain basement second-class hosting either. Here's the first-class list of what they are offering: ► Host Unlimited Websites; ► Unlimited SSD-Optimized RAID Storage; ► Unlimited WordPress Installations... [Read more]

Strategies to Increase Your Organic Traffic

Organic traffic is important for any website. Organic website traffic refers the users who visit your website from a search engine’s organic results.Ahrefs contributor Si Quan Ong has shared eleven ways to grow your organic traffic.Quan Ong says, “In this post, we’ll cover some simple content writing tips that have helped us achieve... [Read more]

11 Time Management Lessons for Bloggers

Blogging requires persistent efforts combined with creativity. You can give a boost to your blogging efforts with punctuality.Blogging Wizard’s Adam Connell has shared 11 useful time management lessons for bloggers.Connell says, “In this post, I’m going to share some harsh truths that you need to hear and some important lessons that... [Read more]

How to Identify and Create Marketing Materials for Your True Audience [Video]

Well-designed and quality content can help your to grow your online audience. By instilling creativity in your content marketing, you can grow a bigger audience.Entrepreneur contributor David Meltzer has published a new video ‘How to Identify and Create Marketing Materials for Your True Audience’ featuring Russell Brunson.Meltzer says,... [Read more]

SociBot: Facebook and Instagram promotions made easy #ad

SociBot is an automated social traffic and sales system for promoting your product or an affiliate product on Facebook and Instagram. It allows you to create highly profitable promotional contests on both platforms, and it automates a lot of the work. It helps you to engage, automate, convert, retarget and monetize your social media traffic, turning social media users into paying customers... [Read more]

How to Use the Ubersuggest Chrome Extension to Get More Traffic and Rankings [Video]

Google Chrome extensions can help you to be more productive online. But it is important to know which extensions are worth installing.In his new video ‘How to Use the Ubersuggest Chrome Extension to Get More Traffic and Rankings’, Neil Patel shares information about some useful Chrome extensions.Patel says, “Today I want to introduce... [Read more]

Everything You Need to Know about Sitelinks

Sitelinks are links to other pages that appear under Google search results. Searchers use sitelinks to find relevant information from the search results.Ahrefs contributor Patrick Stox has shared an article on sitelinks and how to edit them.Stox says, “Sitelinks are one of the most common search features. They appear in 1.8% of SERPs in... [Read more]

Four Ways to Get Customer Feedback for Better Marketing Results

Positive customer reviews are always welcome, of course. But both they and negative reviews enable businesses to understand what they are doing right and where they need to improve. With customer feedback you can bring improvement in your products and services.Search Engine Watch contributor Maria Kazakova has shared four ways to get customer feedback... [Read more]

How to Clean Up Your Old Social Media Posts

Wired contributor Henrik Sorensen has published an article highlighting some useful tips to clean up your old social media posts.Sorensen says, “AS SOCIAL MEDIA platforms have evolved, they’ve become more and more about the moment—what you’re doing now, rather than what you were doing five years ago. While looking back through... [Read more]

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