Challenges of marketing to millennials, IM NewsWatch, November 14, 2017

November 14th, 2017 at 8:15 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Four tips for using stock images for your marketing

Strategies for marketing to Generation Z

33% say Google will exist after 50 years

PerkZilla Launch Sale ends at midnight. Last chance. #ad

Challenges of marketing to millennials [podcast]

China’s cross-border ecommerce spending to reach $100 billion in 2017

CMI shares examples of content creation robots

‘Marketo’s Secrets to Campaign Optimization’ Webinar November 15

‘Digital Transformation: People & Skills’ Webinar November 14

Forbes lists 3 disruptive marketing trends for 2018

Four strategies to get right influencers

HubSpot’s guide to personal branding

Improve you Facebook and Instagram video marketing with these tips

Research: Social media – key player in driving brand impact

50% holiday shoppers to buy from Amazon

Five things you should know about China’s ecommerce economy

How Google Gives Us insight into Searcher Intent Through the Results [MOZ Video]

‘Artificial Intelligence in Context: Trends, Data and Best Practice’ Webinar November 30

‘Getting started with behavioral marketing’ webinar November 16

Three ways you can popularize your Facebook page

Entrepreneur Mag shares seven characteristics of a great networker

Improve your CTR with these tips

Learn how gratification has changed content marketing

Four marketing advantages of Twitter’s new 280 character format

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