‘Always-On’ Content Marketing - IM NewsWatch Newsletter, September 7, 2021

September 7th, 2021 at 7:11 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

11 Steps for Creating an Instagram Content Plan for Your Business

With a clear and strong marketing strategy, you can take your business to an altogether new level. You just need to remember that uniqueness is the best thing that can help you stand out Social Media Examiner’s Lilach Bullock has shared 11 steps to help you create an Instagram content plan for your business. She says, “Do you want to improve... [Read more]

Everything You Need to Know About ‘Always-On’ Content Marketing

Always-on content marketing refers to a marketing strategy centered around consistent audience engagement and messaging that signals your availability. Forbes contributor Chelsea Waite has published an in-depth article on creating an ‘Always-On’ content marketing strategy. She says, “Always-on content marketing is the opposite of taking a... [Read more]

A Guide to Building a Content Marketing Team

To achieve content marketing success, you need to have a team of dedicated people who sync with each other and continue to put in their best efforts for goal achievement. Business 2 Community contributor Josh Ritchie has published a brief guide to help you build a content marketing tem. He says, “A good content marketing machine is a thing of... [Read more]

3 Step Lead Generation: New unique 3-Step agency blueprint #ad

If you help local businesses in using the internet to build their business, you may want to consider 3 Step Lead Generation, if you aren’t doing as well as you would like. Ask yourself these questions: ➤ Do you find yourself buying “Shiny Objects”, buying product after product but none of them ever seem to work for you? ➤ Do you struggle... [Read more]

Improving Digital Strategy with Competitor Keywords

By knowing the marketing strategies employed by your competitors, you can work on sharpening your own strategy. Competitor Keyword Analysis helps you learn about the keywords used by your competitors. Semrush contributor Connor Lahey has shared some useful tips to using competitor keywords to improve your own digital marketing strategy. He says, “If... [Read more]

Your Guide to Data-Driven Marketing

Data-driven marketing is a process by which marketers gain insights and trends based on in-depth analysis informed by numbers. Ruler Analytics contributor Laura Caveney has published ‘Data-Driven Marketing: A Complete Guide’. She says, “Data is key for any marketer. But collecting and analysing the correct data is key. Without the... [Read more]

3 Ways SEO Has Changed This Year & What It Means for You, September 8 [Webinar]

With the changing Google algorithm, you need to adjust your SEO strategies. By doing this, you can continue to receive traffic to your websites and get an opportunity to boost your conversion rate. Search Engine Journal is hosting a webinar ‘3 Ways SEO Has Changed This Year & What It Means for You’ on Wednesday, September 8, 2021, at... [Read more]

Pinnakle: New social media platform provides free traffic #ad

The Mosh Bari team is releasing new Pinnakle app. Its job is to connect you with free traffic being given away by a new social media platform. The platform, being new, is doing everything it can to build up its membership so that it can start charging advertisers to place ads on the site. But in this startup phase, which Bari’s research indicates... [Read more]

Exposure Ninja Shares Five Lessons from Grenade.com’s Digital Marketing Strategy [Video]

Exposure Ninja’s Tim Cameron has published a new video ‘5 Lessons from Grenade.com’s Digital Marketing Strategy’ highlighting some important lessons from Grenade.com. He says, “In March, Mondelez International acquired UK-based protein bar company Grenade for £200MM. That’s a big valuation based on a lot of protein bar... [Read more]

A Quick Guide to YouTube Advertising for Beginners

Social Media Examiner has published ‘A Quick Guide to YouTube Advertising for Beginners’ to help you make the most of your YouTube advertising campaigns. Lisa D. Jenkins says, “Do you want to use YouTube to advertise your products or services? Looking for a quick beginner’s guide to YouTube ads? In this article, you’ll learn how... [Read more]

CMI Shares 3 Strategic Pillars Behind Every Winning Content Strategy

A good content marketing strategy requires a great plan. With a combination of different content formats, you can make your content marketing plan work. Content Marketing Institute contributor Jodi Harris has published an article highlighting three strategic pillars behind great content marketing strategies. She says, “There’s no quick or easy... [Read more]

Email Videos Pro: Add videos to your emails for better engagement #ad

Mario Brown has just released version 2.0 of Email Videos Pro 2.0. Now you can play videos inside your emails. There have been other solutions for adding a kind of video to emails, but typically the videos were limited to GIFs, only lasting a few seconds.... [Read more]

Tools to Improve Your SEO Performance

Your SEO strategy needs the right set of tools. By choosing the ones that help you boost your search engine optimization process, you can take your business to new heights. Search Engine Journal contributor Roger Montti has shared five top SEO tools for you. He says, “Google offers a constantly updated suite of tools that are useful for SEO. These... [Read more]

Neil Patel Shares 10 Most Profitable SEO Niches to Start an Online Business

A strong SEO strategy helps you create an equally strong base for your business. By picking up the right niche, you can give a good start to your business. Neil Patel has published a new video ’10 Most Profitable SEO Niches to Start an Online Business’ to help you learn about some of the most profitable SEO niches. He says, “A lot... [Read more]

Your Guide to Building a Hyperfast WordPress Website

Your website performance is evaluated on the basis of various things such as site design, site speed, and security. When it comes to WordPress websites, most sites deliver good speed, but it is possible to achieve even higher speed loading in it. Search Engine Journal has published a guide called ‘How to Build a Hyperfast WordPress Website’. The... [Read more]

SociRobotic makes your social media into effective marketing tools #ad

SociRobotic, which has just been released, is your All-In-One social media automation and traffic generation tool. It has two important missions: • Make management of your social media accounts easier. Find and attract new traffic to your social media accounts (which can drive more traffic to your main website or sales page).... [Read more]

How to Use STAT to Find SEO Opportunities at Scale [Video]

MOZ has published the latest Whiteboard Friday video ‘How to Use STAT to Find SEO Opportunities at Scale’ featuring Cyrus Shepard. The MOZ team says, “You may already be familiar with STAT Search Analytics and its rank tracking abilities, but did you know it can also help you discover SEO opportunities on a massive scale? In today’s... [Read more]

The MOZ Guide to Targeted-Impact Link Building

Quality links help you grow your website rankings and get more website traffic. With high-level link building tactics, you can get targeted traffic to chosen web pages. MOZ contributor Garrett French has published ‘The Guide to Targeted-Impact Link Building’ to help you venture on targeted-impact link building. He says, “Preparing... [Read more]

Data Democratization: Unlocking Data to Deliver Optimal Customer Experiences, September 15 [Webinar]

Today, every part of an organization from marketing to business analysts to customer support needs fast access to customer data to create effective experiences. Making smarter, more valuable data-driven decisions starts with embracing data democratization. Content Marketing Institute is hosting a webinar ‘Data Democratization: Unlocking Data to... [Read more]

Elevate: powerful new software to grow your online business #ad

Elevate was just launched by Venkata Ramana. This new software helps you build an online business, no matter who you are, where you are, or what you know. Ramana reports that using the software provides regular, repeatable income for him and his team.... [Read more]

Improve Your Social Media Marketing with These Courses

Social media platforms help you reach your audience and promote products and services. With a strong social media marketing strategy, you can grow your business exponentially. HubSpot contributor Kayla Carmicheal has shared a list of 10 social media marketing courses marketers should take. She says, “In this blog post, we’ll cover some... [Read more]

Ahrefs Shares Seven Niche Market Examples

Finding the right niche is one of the most important things to do before you start developing your business. Your skills should fit into the are for which they are suitable. Ahrefs contributor Joshua Hardwick has shared seven niche market examples to help you identify right niche for your business. He says, “If you’re trying to think of a winning... [Read more]

Eight Steps to Building a Go-to-Market Strategy

Go-to-market is the plan of an organization, utilizing their outside resources, to deliver their unique value proposition to customers and achieve a competitive advantage. Ahrefs contributor Mateusz Makosiewicz has shared eight useful steps to build a go-to-market strategy He says, “The go-to-market strategy is the method to give yourself the... [Read more]

AWeber’s Guide to Successful Email Marketing Campaigns

Email marketing is used by thousands of businesses of all sizes around the world. It is one of the most popular forms of marketing due to its low cost, wider reach, and instant impact. AWeber contributor Kelly Forst has published a guide to running successful email marketing campaigns. She says, “To get great results, you need to do more than... [Read more]

Three Ways to Promote Your Blog

Just publishing content is not enough to get visitors and readers to your blog. You need to adopt different promotional tactics to do it. Business 2 Community contributor Karen Repoli has shared some useful tactics to promote your blog. She says, “Social Media is the first place you think of when promoting your blogs. Ideally, your followers,... [Read more]

Avoid Epic Webinar Fails: 5 Tips for Better Presentations [Webinar Replay]

Marketing Week has made available the replay of a webinar ‘Avoid Epic Webinar Fails: 5 Tips for Better Presentations’. The MW team says, “Watch now to discover these critical components of a rock-solid webinar: Learn the overlooked aspects of your webinar software to ensure flawless delivery of content See how you can set up a professional... [Read more]

The Best Social Media Platforms For Advertising [Video]

Neil Patel has published a new video ‘The Best Social Media Platforms For Advertising, Choosing the Right Ad Platform For Your Brand’to help marketers effectively advertise on social media. He says, “I’m getting super creative on how I do growth, and I always have been. It’s just the way my mind works. The typical strategies... [Read more]

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