4 Insider tips for getting Facebook ads to work for you, IM NewsWatch, June 15, 2016

June 15th, 2016 at 9:29 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

‘Predictive Marketing—Using Data Decisively at Every Stage of the Funnel’ eMarketer Webinar February 25

eMarketer team says, “A typical brand now has a staggering amount of data in its arsenal, and the marketing department’s goal is to use that data to deliver more effective results than ever before. Enter predictive marketing, which uses machine learning to deliver more accurate insights about how best to encourage sales from existing and new... [Read more]

‘Will Microsoft’s Big Bet On B2B Social Pay Off?’ – Forrester

Carlton Doty says, “Okay, you’ve read countless opinion pieces on the blockbuster deal where Microsoft paid a notable (nearly 9x) premium for LinkedIn. One could argue that it’s about time someone snatched up LinkedIn…that was my initial reaction, and perhaps yours too. But why Microsoft, and why now? Well, it should be obvious that this... [Read more]

‘The Science of Online Forms and the Brand Experience: An Essential Guide’ – Entrepreneur

Chris Byers says, “After creating hundreds of online forms and helping other companies with thousands more, I have learned this — the structure of an online form directly impacts how people will view your brand. And how people view your brand dictates the number of submissions you can successfully capture. Many marketers still struggle to... [Read more]

High earnings through online webinar selling #ad

Webinars add a personal touch to your selling. People can hear you an, usually, can see you. They feel a connection with you that a printed sales page just can’t produce. When you create your webinars using a proven formula, your income should increase measurably. Joel Petersen has been selling on webinars for years, and he has packaged his techniques... [Read more]

‘4 Insider Tips for Getting Facebook Ads to Work for You’ – Business.com

Peter Brooke says, “Facebook Ads are some of the web’s most versatile marketing tools, offering an unparalleled array of targeting options and tools. But just because these options are easy to select doesn’t mean that they’re easy to master. Unlike Google AdWords and most other PPC ads, Facebook Ads don’t rely on matching keywords to customer... [Read more]

‘Pinterest adds site, app retargeting to its ad-targeting options’ – Marketing Land

Tim Peterson says, “At this point, it’s almost becoming more newsworthy if a major digital platform does not let brands retarget people who check out their sites or mobile apps with ads on that platform. Which is another way of saying that’s now a possibility on Pinterest. By the end of this month, in order to expand the target audience, all... [Read more]

‘How often your website needs a security audit & what you need to check’ – Econsultancy

Bart Mroz says, “With the rapid evolution of online viruses and the growth of sites that have been broken into by hackers, dangers threatening your business are more common than ever. This is especially relevant in the U.S., where hackers are targeting all kinds of organizations ranging from small businesses to hospitals. In fact, President Obama... [Read more]

How to successfully launch a product #ad

'iGloo Product Launcher' is for anyone who is launching products or services for sale on the web. It helps you create successful sales funnels so you can increase your earnings.... [Read more]

’21 Juicy Prompts that Inspire Fascinating Content’ – Copyblogger

Sally Hogshead says, “Creativity is a fickle mistress. Especially when creating content. Sometimes, the words flow as fast as the coffee. Other times, well, not so much. It’s easy to create boring content. (Many people do it quite effortlessly.) But if you don’t have a distinctive point of view, you’re just reporting. Feel stuck when it’s... [Read more]

‘Are Coworking Offices Eligible for Google My Business Listings?’ – MOZ

Miriam Ellis says, “Coworking office spaces have existed for more than a decade around the globe, and I consider it a testament to their growing popularity for start-ups and agencies that I’ve been seeing an increasing number of questions about them in recent times at places like the Moz Q&A forum and elsewhere. The burning question on... [Read more]

‘7 Actionable Hacks for Creating a High Converting Website Homepage’ – Business.com

Abdullahi Muhammed says, “Ask any E-commerce business and they will say that their biggest concern is driving traffic to their website. But what many businesses don’t do is look at the big picture. They don’t take into account what happens when that traffic actually reaches their website. Traffic alone means nothing. You need to convert that... [Read more]

Tracking clicks improves sales #ad

Knowing what works is key to having a successful business.  Wikipedia quotes merchant John Wanamaker, as saying,  "Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half." Back in the 1890s, when Wanamaker reportedly said it, that could be a problem that was hard to solve... [Read more]

‘How Marketers Can Gain the Trust of Tech-Savvy Consumers’ – Convince & Convert Blog

Drew Himel says, “As technology advances, consumers are becoming experts at blocking out content that appears fake or gimmicky. Tech-savvy consumers want a relationship with a company that is built on trust, not sales tactics2, and consumers don’t want to wait for that trust. (highlight to tweet) These are big changes, to be sure, but today’s... [Read more]

‘Facebook is putting maps in ads and will measure store visits’ – Marketing Land

Tim Peterson says, “Facebook is adding maps to its location-based local awareness ads to give brands a better chance you’ll visit their locations. And if you do, Facebook will now start telling brands how many people it thinks actually visited their locations based on these ads. Advertisers had previously tried to offer store location info by... [Read more]

‘3 Ways Content Can Build a Bridge Between Marketing and Sales’ – CMI

Anna Talerico says, “I am in a unique position to espouse the virtues of sales and marketing alignment – I am the head of sales at my company and am married to our chief marketing officer. I know that sales and marketing alignment is critical to an organization’s success, and yet I also know the inherent challenges. I live with marketing (truly)... [Read more]

What is hardest part of earning money online? #ad

The top three marketing tasks, in terms of difficulty, are probably getting your content ranked, generating traffic and converting the traffic you get. Of these three, getting your content ranked is the most critical since without that, you can’t generate any organic traffic and have to rely on paid traffic... [Read more]

‘Three reasons to enter the Masters of Marketing Awards 2016’ – Econsultancy

Ben Davis says, “The deadline for entry to The Masters of Marketing Awards is this Friday (June 17th). Here’s why you should enter. 1. Give your work the exposure it deserves Powered by Econsultancy, Marketing Week, Creative Review and Design Week, The Masters of Marketing Awards are a great platform for brand exposure throughout the year. We... [Read more]

‘3 Steps to Tracking the Success of Your Direct Mail Campaign’ – Entrepreneur

Craig Simpson says, “Tracking your mail after it’s gone out is vital to the success of your direct mail business. In order to effectively track your mailings, you’ll need to know when your mail was delivered. It also helps to know what condition the mail arrived in, like whether your envelope package was torn open in the postal sorting machines,... [Read more]

’10 Resources to Get You Caught Up with Modern Marketing in 10 Minutes’ – Business.com

Douglas Eldridge says, “Imagine if Don Draper time traveled from the 1960s to today. What would he think? Since he’s a marketer, he wouldn’t have time to think, he’d need to dig right in and figure out the new landscape. Any viewer of Mad Men knows that a major theme of the show was the evolution of advertising. Don Draper would be used... [Read more]

Live Leap: The only FB-approved tool to syndicate your live feed #ad

Luke Maguire and Anthony Morrison have been studying Facebook and its potential for creating a dramatic improvement in marketing success. It's a fact: Not all social media traffic is created equal. At the top of the pyramid is Facebook. And its dominance is growing... [Read more]

‘Keyword Explorer Upgrades: New Features, More Lists, and Better Metrics’ – MOZ

Rand Fishkin says, “It’s been 5 weeks since Keyword Explorer’s launch and in that time, more than 75,000 folks have tried out what is, in my opinion, the best keyword research tool on the market. And that’s just a sampling of the many, many kind pieces of feedback we’ve received the last few weeks (OK, there’s even... [Read more]

‘Facebook VP: 5 years from now, your News Feed will be “probably all video”’ – Marketing Land

Matt McGee says, “If you think you’re seeing more video in your Facebook News Video now than ever before, just wait. If one Facebook VP’s prediction comes true, it’ll be “all video” within the next five years. Nicola Mendelsohn, the company’s VP for Europe, the Middle East and Africa, told Fortune’s Most Powerful Women International... [Read more]

‘4 Content Marketing Insights for the Post-Mobilegeddon Era’ – Convince & Convert Blog

Ray Beharry says, “Content marketers have been warned for years to get ready for mobile marketing. Mary Meeker’s 2008 pronouncement that mobile would “overtake fixed Internet access by 2014” came true; we crossed that threshold at full steam to navigate our way through “Mobilegeddon” and beyond. Google’s 2015 changes to its mobile... [Read more]

‘Why are we still talking omni-bollocks?’ – Econsultancy

Chris Bishop says, “Why are we still talking omni-bollocks, when we should be talking retail? Why all the jargon? Why all the omni-channel cliches and the multi-channel job titles? Why all the endless debates about whether digital is right for a brand or not, or digital versus in-store? We all know by now that digital thinking can’t be siloed.... [Read more]

‘The Ultimate Blog Marketing Checklist: 65 Tips, Tools, and Resources’ – CMI

Mike Murray says, “Success at blog marketing depends on a myriad of content, design, technical, and promotional factors. Though it would be prohibitively exhausting to excel at all of them simultaneously, the good news is that there are many small changes you can make that can significantly improve the success of your blog content over the long... [Read more]

‘Digital Marketing: 3 test ideas to optimize your incentive offers’ – MarketingExperiments

Selena Blue says, “Coupon. Free download. Discount code. Gift card. Complimentary ebook. These are just a few of the countless types of incentives marketers use to influence customers to say “yes” at the final macro-decision – whether that’s making a purchase, filling out a lead gen form or some other form of conversion. Incentive can... [Read more]

‘Have an Interesting Old Blog Post? Here Are 8 Ways to Go Back and Promote Them!’ – Entrepreneur

Manish Bhalla says, “The fact remains that creating new content every single day is a tough job, and finding new topics is even tougher. If you analyze your blog, you will see that there are two kind of posts on the blog; one older and the other, newly published. While the new one being published recently has few hundreds of views and shares,... [Read more]

‘The Content Sharing Habits of Facebook Users’ – MarketingProfs

Ayaz Nanji says, “More than half (58%) of Facebook users who share third-party content on the network say they do so at least once a week, according to recent research from Fractl. The report was based data from a survey conducted in April 2016 of 2,000 Facebook users. Respondents were polled on their habits sharing content from external websites,... [Read more]

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