12 Tips to Improve Content Marketing - IM NewsWatch, January 8, 2024

January 8th, 2024 at 9:37 pm EDT
12 Tips to Improve Content Marketing
Content marketing is a marketing strategy that involves creating and sharing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience. It can help improve online visibility, customer engagement, and customer trust. HubSpot contributor Caroline Forsey has published an article featuring 12 useful tips to improve your... [Read more]
Clarity in B2B Marketing: A Competitive Advantage, January 17 [Webinar]
B2B marketing aims to capture the attention of potential buyers and convert them into loyal customers. It focuses on building relationships and providing value to clients. Search engine optimization (SEO) will continue to evolve in 2024, adapting to changing user behaviors and technological advancements. Content Marketing Institute is hosting a webinar... [Read more]
CMI on 2024’s Ultimate Marketing Metric
Marketing metrics are used to measure, record, and monitor progress over time. They can vary and change from platform to platform. Marketers need to choose metrics that will track their successes and failures. Content Marketing Institute has published an article featuring 2024’s ultimate marketing metric. The CMI team says, “New technologies... [Read more]
ViralTales AI: YouTube Niche that’s still 99.99% untapped #ad
ViralTales AI was just released. This AI software makes animated children’s stories for YouTube. YouTube’s been pushing children;’s videos. Now you can profit from them. “Secret” is too strong a word. Maybe “hidden in plain sight” is fair, though because it is still 99.99% untapped by markeers. YouTube is... [Read more]
SEO Trends for 2024 [Podcast]
The latest The SERP’s Up SEO podcast episode is titled ‘SEO Trends for 2024’. The SERP’s Up team says, “Where is the SEO industry headed in 2024? What advancements should we expect in AI this year? How will SGE impact search traffic moving forward? Wix’s Mordy Oberstien and Crystal Carter kick off the year by forecasting... [Read more]
Marketing Automation Platforms: A Marketer’s Guide [Guide]
Digital Marketing Depot has published ‘Marketing Automation Platforms: A Marketer’s Guide’. The DMD team says, “MarTech’s latest publication of “Marketing Automation Platforms: A Marketer’s Guide” examines the market for marketing automation platforms and the considerations involved in implementation. The 44-page... [Read more]
AI-Forward Marketing: Your Roadmap to Revenue Growth in 2024, January 30 [Webinar]
The new year has just begun, and the digital marketing landscape continues to evolve rapidly. AI will play a pivotal role in sculpting the future of customer acquisition, but it is still an uncharted realm of strategies and tactics. Digital Marketing Depot is hosting a webinar ‘AI-Forward Marketing: Your Roadmap to Revenue Growth in 2024’... [Read more]
7-Figure Sales Machine: 3 YouTube methods for more free traffic #ad
7-Figure Sales Machine shows you how to use AI to make amazing videos, so you never have to be on camera. You are probably aware that YouTube is on the top 10 most visited sites in the world. Whatever your product is, YouTube can be a good marketing platform for you. The problem has always been that, to make a YT video, it required: ? A script ?... [Read more]
CTV Can Be a Brand-Safe Haven for Performance Marketers, January 16 [Webinar]
Social media’s confluence of sights, sounds and (very opinionated) minds can also create brand safety headaches for advertisers. But marketers no longer have to sacrifice performance to ensure their ads are presented in the right context. Adweek is hosting a webinar ‘CTV Can Be a Brand-Safe Haven for Performance Marketers’ on Tuesday,... [Read more]
Beyond Transactions: How to Build Lasting Client Partnerships [Podcast]
Social Media Examiner has published the latest episode of the Social Media Marketing Podcast ‘Beyond Transactions: How to Build Lasting Client Partnerships’ featuring Dan Gingiss. The SME team says, “Want to deliver extraordinary customer care that leads to client retention? Wondering how your approach to customer experience leads... [Read more]
SEO-Driven Content Architecture [Video]
SEO-driven content is content that is created to attract search engine traffic. It is useful to users and is optimized around a specific keyword. MOZ has published the latest episode of the Whiteboard Friday video ‘SEO-Driven Content Architecture’ featuring Adriana Stein. The MOZ team says, “Does all of your content come together in... [Read more]
Chat Bot AI: add to any website for free traffic #ad
With this new tool, you can add an AI Bot that works to bring in commissions by simply copy and pasting 1x line of AI code onto your website. This sucks in free traffic and converts leads into sales.... [Read more]
Leverage AI-driven SEO to Increase Traffic, Revenue and Online Reputation, January 25 [Webinar]
AI-driven SEO, also known as AI SEO, is a type of search engine optimization (SEO) that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to improve a website’s organic performance. Digital Marketing Depot is hosting a webinar ‘Leverage AI-driven SEO to Increase Traffic, Revenue and Online Reputation’ on Thursday, January 25, 2023, at 1.00 pm EDT. The... [Read more]
Why an Omnichannel Strategy Will Drive 2024 Success: Top Trends in Marketing Spend [Webinar Replay]
Adweek has made available the replay of its webinar ‘Why an Omnichannel Strategy Will Drive 2024 Success: Top Trends in Marketing Spend’. The Adweek team says, “Here’s a sure-thing prediction for 2024: Advertising investment, tactics and messaging will be in flux as consumer preferences shift, technology evolves and the regulatory... [Read more]
How To Build A $20k/month Community Business [Podcast]
HubSpot has published the latest ‘Marketing Against The Grain’ podcast episode ‘How To Build A $20k/month Community Business’. The HubSpot team says, “Kipp and Kieran are joined by returning guest Greg Isenberg (CEO & Co-Founder at Late Checkout) to dive into community building.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ItYHzXNZSc           HubSpot  [Read more]
Monetize Amazon’s Reviews System with Amplify #ad
Let’s face it, every day a new AI product is released. And marketers who don't quickly take advantage of a good AI tool are going to be left behind. Chat GTP, Bard, Perplexity AI, and Anthropic are just a few of the heavy-hitters of AI.... [Read more]
MarketingProfs Customer Experience (CX) Guide [E-book]
MarketingProfs has published the ‘MarketingProfs Customer Experience (CX) Guide’ explaining the importance of offering a great customer experience. The MarketingProfs team says, “Customer experience happens whether you’re intentional about it or not. That means you’re already doing CX every single time your customers or... [Read more]
Search Engine Marketing (SEM): Ultimate Guide [Guide]
Search engine marketing (SEM) is a type of internet marketing that uses paid advertising to increase a website’s visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs). SEM can also include SEO HubSpot has published ‘Search Engine Marketing (SEM): Ultimate Guide + Expert Tips‘ to help marketers achieve success in the SEM. Kayla Schilthuis-Ihrig... [Read more]
Understanding Your B2B Digital Doppelgänger and AI Decision Matrix [Podcast]
MarketingProfs has published a new episode of the Marketing Smarts podcast ‘Understanding Your B2B Digital Doppelgänger and AI Decision Matrix’ featuring Andrew Davis. George B. Thomas says, “In particular, you’ll learn what a “Digital Doppelgänger” and “AI Decision Matrix” entail and how they can help... [Read more]
Coming Sunday: ViralTales AI makes kids’ videos for YouTube #ad
ViralTales AI creates unlimited YouTube kids stories videos in minutes, videos that attract views, subscribers, and commissions without any tech skills, creativity, or monthly fees. We’ll tell you more next week, but here’s a quick run-down. Now you can create highly engaging kids story videos that attract tons of views, subscribers &... [Read more]
2024 Marketing Trends Friday Forum, January 12
MarketingProfs is hosting the ‘2024 Marketing Trends Friday Forum’ on Friday, January 12, 2024. EVENT AGENDA B2B Marketing Trends You Can’t Ignore in 2024 Influencer Marketing Revolution: Mastering the Trends of 2024 Customer Expectations in 2024: Trends in Personalization, Data, and AI. 2024 Marketing Trends Friday Forum MarketingProfs  [Read more]
From Zero to 3.3M Subscribers: Headspace’s Growth Hacks [Video]
HubSpot has published a new video ‘From Zero to 3.3M Subscribers: Headspace’s Growth Hacks’. The HubSpot team says, “This video dives into the inspiring story of Headspace, showcasing how a unique blend of mindfulness and modern marketing transformed a simple meditation practice into a global wellness phenomenon.... [Read more]
Search Engine Land’s Top 10 SEO Expert Columns
Search engine optimization (SEO) is still a smart investment in 2023 for increasing brand visibility and attracting new business. Search Engine Land contributor Danny Goodwin has published a blog post summarizing Search Engine Land’s top 10 SEO columns of 2023. He says, “No surprise, Generative AI was the hottest topic in 2023 and dominates... [Read more]
A Search Central year in review 2023! [Video]
Google Search Central has published a new video ‘A Search Central year in review 2023!’. The Google team says, “We’re celebrating 12 months of SEO updates, new series, experiences, education, and more with all of you. Thank you for sharing your feedback and continuing to make this community great. It wouldn’t be the same without... [Read more]
Retail SEO Guide: How to Conquer the Competition [Guide]
Retail SEO, or search engine optimization, makes a website and its products more discoverable in search results. It involves optimizing a website’s content, pages, and code. Semrush has published ‘Retail SEO Guide: How to Conquer the Competition’. Sydney Go says, “The higher a website ranks in organic search results, the more... [Read more]
Content Marketing Ideas You Can Use
The content marketing market is expected to grow by 16.01% between 2023 and 2028, increasing by $654.78 million. Practical Ecommerce contributor Armando Roggio has published an article featuring five content marketing ideas for February 2024. He says, “In February 2024, content marketers can produce articles and videos about pizza, marriage, evolution,... [Read more]
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