Subject: news martial arts videos

Hello Friend,

I have published some new videos.

Just finished to film a 5 DVD set with international expert in pressure point. This collector coffret will be available around december. In september, I will share the trailer and I will open earl bird order with a special deal. You still can order the previous DVDs, on the shop.

Use coupon code PAPA2016 to get a 10 euros discount for 50 euros and above purchase. Only until sunday 16th june.

Quote of the day : 

“ Do not place hope in finding a secret technique. Polish the mind through ceaseless training ; that is the key to effective techniques."  – Kyuzo Mifune

Take care and see you soon.
lionel froidure

Lionel Froidure
5th dan Shotokan Karate
3rd degre Arnis Kali
Certified sport teacher

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