Subject: Don't forget to register for our fall retreats and parent classes!

October 12, 2018
Key to Your Child's Heart Healing Weekend 
fathers with children who experience SSA
November 16-18, 2018

This weekend will give you the opportunity to connect with other fathers that are in the same position as you, and learn together how you can rise up and face the challenges that affect our families and children! You will gain great insight into your child’s needs by learning, growing, and taking part in group activities with each other during this interactive weekend!

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The Meaning of Sex: A New Christian Ethos 

The Meaning of Sex: A New Christian Ethos is now available for order (paperback and kindle)! To order your copy, click here! If you have read the Meaning of Sex already, we would appreciate if you left a positive review on Please click here to leave a review!

Click here to watch the trailer on YouTube!

Click here to order the paperback or Kindle version from Amazon, NOOK Book from Barnes & Noble, or iBook from iTunes. 

What Others Are Saying About The Meaning of Sex: A New Christian Ethos

The Meaning of Sex: A New Christian Ethos is a masterful synthesis of Christian theology and the social sciences that has the potential to radically transform our culture in positive ways. With his characteristic accessible style, Christopher Doyle establishes that sex has a meaning and a purpose beyond mere pleasure and procreation. He also demonstrates that when couples embrace the true meaning and purpose of sex, holiness, health, and happiness result. This book deserves a close read by all Christians, especially those who nurture children, including parents, educators, pastors, physicians, and therapists. Our children must be armed with faith and reason together in order to thrive in and one day heal our culture. 

~ Michelle A. Cretella, M.D.
President, American College of Pediatricians
Bring Christopher Doyle to Your Church Service, Conference, or Event 
Clear Answers on Sexuality and Gender in a Confused Culture

In today’s secular culture, confusion abounds on issues relating to sexuality, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Within the church, pastors and ministers are being inundated with so-called modern constructs of sex, gender, and sexual identity - and without the proper training and education, professionals in the faith-based community are often unable to articulate clear solutions to difficult questions.

Having journeyed through these issues, personally and professionally, Christopher Doyle understands and can articulate clear-cut solutions to these dilemmas. As a licensed clinical professional counselor, published author, and expert on sexuality and gender identity, some of the topics he teaches on, are:
  • The Meaning of Sex: A New Christian Ethos
  • Understanding Homosexuality and Gender Identity: Meaning and Causes
  • Intimacy in Marriage: How to Take Your Marriage from Functioning to      Flourishing
  • Healing for Families and Parents of Sexual Minority Children
  • Sexual Risk Avoidance: Benefits of Delaying Sexual Debut for Young People
  • Real Love in Marriage: How to Give and Receive Unconditional Love
  • The Politics of Sexual and Gender Identity
In addition, Christopher can customize any of these presentations to suit your conference, event, Sunday morning service, or mid-week Bible study.

Click here for more information on how you can bring Christopher to your church service, conference, or event.
Institute for Healthy Families and Christopher Doyle in the Media
Dr. Michelle Cretella on Transgender Ideology: 'Institutionalized Large-Scale Child Abuse'

"For most of human history, it has been pretty obvious that we determine our gender by our bodies. But today, more are beginning to believe it starts in the mind. It's troubling when an adult chooses this, but when children become involved, it's dangerous," stated Peter Sprigg of the Family Research Council, who moderated a panel on gender ideology and children at the Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C. on Saturday. Click here to read Christopher Doyle's interview with Dr. Michelle Cretella at The Christian Post.

Teen Vogue Article on Gender-Neutral Words Misses the Meaning of Sex
On August 27, Teen Vogue published an article titled: “How to Use Gender-Neutral Words, and Why They’re Important.” In the article, author Danielle Corcione (I assume it is a she, but to be politically correct, I’ll refer to Danielle as “author”) tells us that “Gender-inclusive language isn’t typically something you learn in school, but its use is incredibly important to make life easier for non-binary peers.
“Using gendered terms — such as “ladies [and] gentlemen” — is highly presumptuous, especially in today's society, in which many persons are aware that they don't identify as male or female and therefore are uncomfortable with this type of language,” Dara Hoffman-Fox, LPC, explains.
Is it really true that “many persons” don’t identify as male or female and are uncomfortable with “he” or “she” or other sex-specific words and pro-nouns? In actuality, this is not the truth. In fact, a 2017 study published in the American Journal of Public Health estimated that only .0039 percent of the United States public identifies as transgender – a number that can hardly be described as “many”. So why is Teen Vogue and other “mainstream” media outlets pushing this “gender nonbinary” narrative? Click here to read more of Christopher Doyle's op-ed at The Christian Post.
CNN Interviews IHF Executive Director, Christopher Doyle on Upcoming "Conversion Therapy" Films
'Conversion therapy' hits the big screen while laws play out in states

A therapist forbade 16-year-old Mathew Shurka from speaking to his mother and sisters for three years. The youngest child and only son in a tight-knit Long Island family, Shurka said that his mom wasn't physically or emotionally abusive. Instead, the therapist told the teen to give the women the silent treatment because it would help make him straight.

'I try to give them realistic outcomes'

Therapist Christopher Doyle, a conversion therapy advocate working with conservative groups like the Family Research Council to stop the government bans, disagrees.

He experienced same-sex attraction but didn't want to, he said, but by addressing the trauma in his life through therapy, he was able to shift his attraction. He's married now to a woman and has five children. 
He said he's dedicated his life to helping others who struggle with unwanted attractions.

"I specialize in trauma and work with clients to resolve that trauma. People who want help. There's no electric shock or shaming," said Doyle, who practices in the Washington, D.C., area. He says he doesn't promise anyone that they will be straight. "Each individual is unique, but I try to give them realistic outcomes."
He points to a new study in the Linacre Quarterly, the peer-reviewed journal of the Catholic Medical Association, in which 68% of the 125 religious men who underwent such therapy had at least some "heterosexual shifts in sexual attract and behavior." 

Most scientific studies have shown the opposite. And while all the major mental health associations object to the practice, Doyle believes those objections are politically motivated.

He believes that participants' horror stories involve practices that are not done by ethical mainstream practitioners. "I know I am not calling people bad or evil in my work," he said. "And I do have gay friends, and they support me, even if they don't necessarily agree with everything I say, but I don't agree with everything my wife says, either." Click here to read more at
Janet Mefferd Today

It's Revoice weekend, and Christianity Today lays out the biblical confusion of Revoice founder Nate Collins in black and white. We'll tell you why this proponent of so-called "LGBT Christianity" and his conference must be repudiated by every Bible-believing Christian. Plus: Christopher Doyle, executive director or the Institute for Healthy Families, discusses his new book, "The Meaning of Sex: A New Christian Ethos." Click here to listen.
Helping Our Children Come Out of Hiding to Accept God's Grace

Most of us hide. You might not think you are hiding, but that is probably because you don't know that you have been programmed, or conditioned, to hide. Your "programming" was so subtle that you do it without even realizing it. Hiding becomes an unconscious behavior we develop to remain safe, and it usually begins in early childhood. Click here to read more of Christopher Doyle's op-ed at The Christian Post.
Institute for Healthy Families (IHF) specializes in counseling solutions for individuals, couples, families, therapists, and ministry leaders. IHF is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit therapeutic organization located in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. As a Judeo-Christian organization, IHF believes that the family is the foundation for healthy individuals, relationships, communities, and places of worship. While IHF is non-sectarian, we believe that God reveals His truth in both the Bible and Creation and that we can use this wisdom to help facilitate healing. IHF believes that through this synthesis of science and faith, we can help our clients form and maintain healthy families that will be able to help their children become the best versions of themselves and fulfill God’s will for their lives. For more information, visit our website at: 
Institute for Healthy Families, P.O. Box 3223, 20108, Manassas, United States
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