Subject: Friend ICA WIP01 OCTOBER 2020 Newsletter

Welcome to our OCTOBER newsletter.

Hi everybody, 

Trust you are all well and managing to service your clients during the disaster that is 2020! Lots going on in October from the iColorist team: new tips and tricks, Brazilian classes, a new webinar, the Color Tour podcast Season 3 returns with Walter Volpatto, and is there really going to be a holiday Colorist Mixer after all?

We know how challenging this year has been - as working colorists ourselves we are affected like many of you. iColorist, or ICA as you may know it, exists to help preserve, pass on and progress industry knowledge, and we are working harder than ever to bring you as many helpful resources as possible. You can watch all our webinars back on demand, and we hope you get something out of the latest one on camera noise reduction. We also have a new tutorial on fixing fluorescent lighting issues. And  you may see some upcoming changes to the website as we try to make it as useful and valuable to you as possible.

We want to end the year on a high and bring all our members, partners and peers together in these tricky times. That's why we are holding the world's first ever 24 hr international colorist mixer starting at 12pm 12/12. This will be the 20th Colorist Mixer, a fitting way to say goodbye to 2020, touch base with each other and look forward to the year ahead. Make sure you make a note of the date and watch out for tickets, available soon.

Take care and remember to contact us anytime with your training requests.
Team iColorist


If you missed it, watch the latest webinar from the ICA team on demand. The webinar looks at the issue of camera noise - should you remove it, and if so, what are your options? The team shows you comparisons using the same film clip.
FILMWORKZ are our new sponsors and they kindly donated a 1 year subscription to their DVO plugins. Get access here.


Jeff Greenberg and Warren Eagles will be back for the October 25-29 event. They will be running a variety of Resolve sessions for all levels.
Produced by NAB New York, PPW has over 200 different sessions spread over 4 days. 


I am really pleased to finally offer my ICA training classes in Brazil Nov 23-27. I would rather have been in Brazil to run the classes with you in the classroom, but COVID has impacted the whole world so virtual classes via ZOOM are the next best thing. I have run a number of virtual sessions around the world and they have all been very well received.
These classes will be held in Engli
sh and Portuguese. My good friend and fellow ICA trainer Diego Yhama will be my assistant and translator for these classes. Please contact me or Diego with any questions.


In a recent video tutorial, Kevin Shaw shows three ways to fix fluorescent light problems that simple primary color tools cannot correct. 
In this DaVinci Resolve tutorial, you will learn simple practical solutions to save even the worst lighting nightmare. Watch it now for primary, secondary and OFX tips and tricks to color correct lighting problems quickly and easily.


20th Colorist Mixer to be held 12pm 12/12 2020. Put the date in your diaries! Sadly due to COVID, NAB was cancelled and with it our much loved mixer event. But great news: on Dec 12th from 12pm UCT-7 we will be holding the world's first 24hr virtual colorist mixer. Invites coming soon - watch your inbox. 

We are looking forward to seeing you at the international industry at the 20th Global Colorist Mixer. The Colorist Mixer team wants to end 2020 on a positive note for all, so this year’s Mixer will go ahead – with a unique twist. The Mixer will be held online this year and to close out the year with a bang, we have decided to run the world’s first 24hr Colorist Mixer! 

Dell has already donated a monitor as a Mixer giveaway - the first of several prizes that can be won on the day. Details of the presentations and other giveaways from our sponsors coming soon. In the meantime, check out what Dell are doing with their new monitor range by joining their webinar on Thursday 8th Oct at 10am CDT - use the password ITSFALL for access.

Virtual - Brazil time zone - Portuguese translation 
RG180: Intermediate Resolve Techniques - 23 to 24 Nov
Price $495US - special 20% COVID 19 discount price $396US 
RG301i: Looks and Matching Masterclass - 25 to 26 NOV
Price $495US - special 20% COVID 19 discount price $396US
New: Color Therapy, 1 day mentoring class - 27 NOV
Price $200US - special 20% COVID 19 discount price $160US 

US at AbelCine
RG101: Learning to Grade with Resolve - 30 to 1 
Price $595US - special 20% COVID 19 discount price $476US
RG201: Advanced Resolve Techniques - 
2 to 3 Nov

Price $595US - special 20% COVID 19 discount price $476US

Virtual - UK time zone - English language
Price £740 £690
Price £740 £690
Price £740 £690
Price £740 £690

Spanish language

Los Angeles / Burbank

These discount codes are available to ICA Members only. 
FXPHD COURSES                           PODCAST

FXPHD and Warren were the first company to offer online color training in 2006. Davinci Resolve Courses for everyone from beginners to Masterclass are now available with generous bundle discounts. Learn about the Art as well as the App. All classes are now available with Spanish subtitles by Argentinian Colorist Javier Guevara.

Color ’not on’ Tour Podcast is back for a virtual season 3.
I would much rather have visited Walter at Company 3, followed by a cold drink in Hollywood, but it wasn’t to be, so this is the next best thing. 
In our latest episode, Walter talks about his journey from a factory worker in Italy to coloring movies such as Start Wars, Dunkirk and the new HDR Netflix movie The Old Guard. Listen now.

Listen to our previous podcasts.

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.