Subject: Spiritual Journey

Never underestimate the power of a moment. This moment.

I am on a deeply sustaining and spiritual journey. Not religious. Spiritual.

The time I used to dedicate to daily iCreateDaily posts for 5+ years, is now being allocated to this, (plus necessary work — which I’m grateful to also love — as indicated in previous posts).

The only deficit is not feeling as connected with you through consistency.

I hope you are thriving. I  hope you are loving.

If so, please send me a note.

If not, send me a note on what you’re struggling with.

How this all may — or may not — serve this community is yet to be discovered. It will be whatever it decides to be.

“One moment can change a day, one day can change a life, and one life can change the world.”
~Gautama Buddha, spiritual teacher, c.480-400 BCE


Transformation through creation.

☀️🌙 ⭐️


~ LeAura

The day is the way.


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