Subject: In the Creative Garden

As some are nestled deep in winter… let’s envision the garden in spring and spring forth into this new month and make it AWESOME!!

But... if awesome isn't happening in your life right now, do your utmost to make the best of what is. 

You are not defined by life circumstances and by others, unless you allow it.


 Creating daily sets the rhythm of the creative life.
~LeAura Alderson, iCreateDaily®

We have a garden, in fact, we also have a gardening website! In writing an article about tomato plant problems, one of the tomato issues reminded me of a garden metaphor as it relates to growth challenges amongst creators and entrepreneurs.

Something that many creatives and entrepreneurs are good at is uneven growth. We can even appear manic depressive in how we can vacillate between flurries of productivity followed by downtime.

Perhaps you've experienced that, or know someone who has. Often, our growth fluctuates between the wild Pan spirit of spring growth, and silent solace of the slumbering winter garden.

Create the life you want to live, one day at a time.

~ LeAura
The Day is The Way
CALADANA Publishing, DBA MyTrainerFitness LLC, 5164 Reidsville Rd., Ste 217,, 27051, Walkertown, United States
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