Subject: CHANGES PART 1 - The Mad Dash

HAPPY JUNE 1ST!!!  WOW!!! Is time FLYING!!

Do you remember when as kids, we’d be so immersed in play that we’d put off bathroom breaks as long as possible until the mad dash to prevent an accident? 

Well… that’s one of the ways we can recognize our passion now. Raise your hand if you’ve done this as an adult immersed in creating. 🙋🏻‍♀️ 


While I've been working 7 days a week for a few years now, it doesn’t feel like work. Excepting for this past week with many hours on website tech support and issues not yet resolved as of this writing.

I know that to some of you I may seem tech savvy, but it’s just a superficial 101 user level, as tech is not my strength, though I enjoy learning about it and growing in competency is enjoyable and empowering.


But what I love is creation, connection and contribution. Each morning I look forward to checking the comments, art/creation and emails from the iCreateDaily community. 

I’m not a huge fan of social media because it can be a time hog. But am grateful for how it connects us and the opportunities it provides to grow brands. Then the writing and creating of new articles or editing and updating older content for iCD and our monetizing websites. It’s a joy to be able to commute from our bathroom to kitchen to my laptop in our plant-filled sunroom or outdoor table, depending on the season.


As often happens, what started as a short note has grown into an article length piece that will probably become an article in the future. In fact, many of our articles began like that.

You’re a creator, so you know how creativity sprouts out all over the place, like weeds in summer. Think you don’t have much to say, or draw or paint, but get started and watch it GROW, for that is the FLOW of creativity.


We create the flow of creativity by getting started. We can’t ride the waves until we get into the water. So dive into the sea of creativity and start swimming. Occasionally the waves come our way and lap at our feet and spray us in salty delight, but to be a good swimmer requires getting in and getting wet.

"To create is to swim in a sea of wonder under starry skies and moonlit nights of possibility."

~LeAura Alderson, cofounder ®


I know that many of us are having similar experiences, considerations, deliberations and struggles. Some are interested in how to create your own online business, brand or freelance services, and you're wondering what's possible and which way to go.

So I decided to go ahead and pursue this expanded version rather than a short and sweet share, in case there’s something helpful for you in this, for that is ever my goal.

Beyond that, this is also about the evolution of the iCreateDaily brand, to the extent that this might affect you and/or be of interest.

But many of us prefer shorter reads in bits and bites rather than long absorptive pieces. So this is the first of (what is currently) to be 4 parts over these next 4 days, (unless it accordions into more or less in the meantime)!


Each day I’m grateful for the opportunity to create, connect and contribute. 

But for now… I’ve waited too long and I'm in that “mad dash before it’s too late,” state.

More on that tomorrow and as this “batch of thought” continues. GLAD to hear YOUR THOUGHTS at any time.

Grateful for you,

The day is the way.

☀️🌙 ⭐️


~ LeAura

Transformation through creation.



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