Subject: Alright Right Now

Are You Alright Right Now?

An enlightened western guru trained in eastern spirituality spoke of losing both parents when he was just nine years old. This naturally created tremendous pain, loss and anxiety for him until one day he heard a voice in his head say, “Are you alright right now?”

He thought about it… looked around, assessed the moment and realized that he was indeed alright. From that moment forward that little mantra saved him much angst, anxiety, fear and even the pain of loss.

I'm Alright Right Now

We lost power on Thursday morning, and are still without it as of this writing on Friday morning. For us that also means no water likely no internet most of the time, thus this daily email and post were delayed.

For us, it was from strong winds though scant rain from the remnants of hurricane Zeta. We know that some of you were also affected, and if not from Zeta... there are many other crises underway from globally to personally.

What's Important

FIRST: The most important thing to remember is that this or any challenge now or future, will not last forever. It may be a day, or it may be 10 years or more, but it won't last forever. 

After we attend to the present challenge, however long it may last, we then also remember to 'future vision' and plan our goals and daily actions accordingly. Focus on what we can do now, do that, and also plan for when we get to the other side of this storm.

SECOND: The second most important thing to remember is cheerful resilience. Don't let hardship beat you down... let it make you stronger. 

We are resourceful creators and we can employ creativity to work optimistically through any struggle. If you are alright right now, then you are alright.

THIRD: The third most important thing is the age old mandate to count your blessings. Look for the bright side. Follow that light.

For instance, I remarked to my husband, Coleman yesterday, how fortunate we are to have this "drill" opportunity to test our emergency systems and preparedness during an unseasonably warm weather day. We were able to see where we were prepared and where we came up short so that we may better prepare for any possible winter storm outages.

I could've dwelled on the incredible "to do" list for yesterday, none of which got done, and with subsequently bigger to do's now, plus messes due to no water, so no dishes. We're on well water and no electricity means no well pump, so no water.

In times past I would've dwelled and lamented and fretted, for I abhor wasting time. However, anguish agitates more anxiety and doesn't accomplish anything. So instead, I stopped to reflect on the blessings in the pause and recognize the opportunity to step away from routine and slow my pace a bit.

The Precious Present

Each precious moment is pregnant with potential.

That little moment in time in the head of a boy, with who knows which guiding guardians, has now been shared with millions. It has helped me many times over the years and now I share that with you. 

Such a simple thing and simple moment in time, yet so powerful. Much of the wonderment we seek is thus, so remember to celebrate and appreciate each moment of precious life. 

Each moment has the potential for power and powerful potential, which is rarely discovered in the day to day routine. Often it takes the extraordinary to present us face to face with the power of presence in the present moment.


1. I'm Alright Right Now
2. No challenge lasts forever
3. I am creatively resilient
4. I'm embrace cheerful optimism
5. I count blessings over bothers
6. I don't dwell on negatives
7. I'm present in the precious present

I hope you are safe and faring well. Please share how it's going for you. If I'm not able to get out tomorrow's email and post, you'll know why. 

Meanwhile, today as ever...

The day is the way to create the life you want to live.
☀️🌙 ⭐️

~ LeAura
Transformation through creation.
CALADANA Publishing, DBA MyTrainerFitness LLC, 5164 Reidsville Rd., Ste 217,, 27051, Walkertown, United States
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