Subject: The Sergeants Club | August 2023



I hope your summer has gone well! We are wrapping up the summer quarter this week; awards and promotions were today, 2nd Phase ends tomorrow, and we start the fall quarter on Saturday. We are running Construction, Dive, Missions, and Tech Rescue this fall, and then Unit 69 will start September 7. We are really thankful for the number of 3rd Phase training options we are able to run this quarter, as our current 2nd Phase was on the small side, which usually means even smaller 3rd Phases.

The biggest update for you all is that we have starting the planning process for ALERT’s 30th anniversary reunion next year. The dates are February 8-11, 2024, and I am already getting excited about everything we’re hoping to fit into that weekend. We extended the reunion by a day, so it starts Thursday evening and runs through Sunday afternoon.

We could really use your help in pulling this event off in two main ways:

  • Schedule ideas. We have some main events blocked in, but there is still a lot of open time to work with. We are planning on running a Caleb Nelson Memorial Race (and a Half Nelson for guys who aren’t interested in/able to run the full CNMR), playing gator ball, running a snake walk, having the Sergeants Club breakfast, and having some speakers. Past that is all blank at the moment. The schedule area we most need help with is family event ideas. We really want the reunion to be an enjoyable weekend for the whole family, so any ideas on events that would be fun for wives/kids would be super helpful. And any other suggestions for good ALERT events to run during the reunion would be great as well.

  • Recruiting. We really want to have a great party at reunion and celebrate 30 years of God’s incredible faithfulness to each one of our 2,700+ alumni. We also want to help guys reconnect with their unit mates, build new friendships, and encourage each other spiritually through the weekend. So please convince everyone you know to come the reunion. Any ideas you may have on ways to increase or incentivize attendance would be great as well. And it goes without saying that I hope you all can join us in February as well.

Lastly, if any of you are in the area, please stop by and visit! If you give us warning we can cover 3 nights room and board for you, and also give you the opportunity to speak to the Battalion or Basic Training while you are here. We are always happy to bring our alumni back into our training with the guys, so please let me know if you're going to be around.

Thank you for your prayers and partnership in the Gospel!


Posteritatis commodis servientes,

1st Lieutenant Samuel Winkler | Unit 42

ALERT Public and Alumni Relations