Subject: ALERT Communiqué | September 2017

Greetings from ALERT,

As I write this update I can’t help but think of the words of Paul in Philippians 4:19 “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Truly these words couldn’t be more true as we have seen God use so many of you through prayers and gifts to help meet the needs of the ministry of discipleship and service here at ALERT, especially during the recent weeks of disaster responses. On behalf of all our staff a hearty “thank you” for partnering with us.

Here is what has taken place since I last wrote: 

Disaster Response: This week we will be making our third trip to South Texas with the Mobile Response Team to continue the recovery work from the effects of Hurricane Harvey. As the days stretch on into weeks the challenges increase. The heat (90+ degrees) and high humidity sap your strength and the ongoing growth of mold in the homes necessitates wearing protective Tyvek suits and masks that makes the working conditions almost unbearable. I’m sensing pockets of discouragement and weariness in some of the outside volunteers we work alongside and your ongoing prayers for strength, endurance and positive attitudes are needed. There are still literally hundreds of work orders from homeowners requesting help. Please hold them up in your prayers as well as they press on and most importantly pray that the gospel would be proclaimed and many come to a saving knowledge of Christ.
In news from our campus: 

Basic Training
is now in full swing with 43 young men facing the rigors of nine weeks of life changing challenges. Keep them in your prayers throughout the week as they work through each event with determination and the strength provided by Christ our Lord.

The Dive program is in full swing. Early next week they will be conducting training in the recovery of a small planein a neighboring community that unfortunately found its final resting place in the bottom of a lake.

Flight: We have been blessed to have friends of ALERT come along side and lead a six week flight training program. The goal is to have all the men currently enrolled achieve not only soloing, but attaining the certification of private pilot before they head home. We are hoping this condensed flight venue will reinvigorate interest in flying and encourage more men to consider ALERT as a great option for training. 

Thank you again for the privilege of working together for the kingdom in “Forging extraordinary men who will influence their world for Christ.” God’s blessing on all of you.

Colonel Marv Behr
International ALERT academy

International ALERT Academy, 1 Academy Blvd, Big Sandy, TX 75755, United States
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