Subject: What's Happening at Hot Metal

There is no way to succeed at Centering Prayer, except to return again and again to love. Allow thoughts to come and go without latching onto them, without judgment. "Ever-so-gently" bring your sacred word, the symbol of your intention, back to mind and return to resting in Presence.

-Richard Rohr

Dear Church,

As we prepare for Palm Sunday this week, we will once again turn our attention to contemplation. As we think about all the ways that Jesus subverted the Roman Empire and Jewish religious establishment on palm Sunday (i.e. riding in on a donkey instead of a war horse), we are also reminded of the ways that contemplation is subversive as well. It is in the stillness and silence of our own lives, and not business and productivity, that we truly find what we are looking for. In this season of transition, it is even more paramount to listen instead of speaking. Contemplation encourages us to be still and listen to the small voice of the Holy Spirit. On Sunday, we'll make time for that through a few different contemplative practices: silence, centering prayer, and Lectio Divina.

It is our prayer that this space allows you to connect with the divine image of God as we wait for Jesus' death and subsequent resurrection.

We hope to see you on Sunday!

Good Friday: March 29 @ 7 PM

Southside Presbyterian Church will join us on Good Friday for a contemplative service to prepare our hearts, minds, and souls for Easter.

Facebook Event >>

Easter Sunday: March 31 @ 10:30 AM

He is risen indeed! Celebrate all the good stuff... hope, redemption, joy, and just a dash of True Crime intrigue. PLUS, it's a Potluck Sunday! Alleluia!

Facebook Event >>

Last Name A-I: Bring a salad or side

Last Name J-R: Bring a desert and plan to stay after to help clean up 

Last Name S-Z: Bring a main dish

Note: We'll rotate this to share clean up duties next time

Upcoming Potluck Dates:

  1. April 28

  2. May 26

  3. June 30

  4. July 28

  5. August 25

Financial Secretary Job Description

Spread the word... we're hiring a part-time financial secretary! Folx with experience in fund accounting and Quickbooks should check out the job description.

Pastoral Job Description

Based on some feedback on Sunday, it was suggested that we share the job posting more widely. We heard you, and we agree! We have posted this job position on our social media pages. If you know of anyone who might be a good fit, or if you'd just like to cast a wide net with your own networks, please feel free to share the link with whomever you feel should see it. Thank You!

Council Updates

Council is here to answer any questions and provide any updates we can. Please feel free to reach out to any member of council for questions: Jan Bucey, Nathan Rosswog, Joni Watson, or Michael Van Ness. Michael has graciously offered to answer email questions, so feel free to contact him at:

Sunday Zoom Meeting
@ 10:30am:
Meeting ID: 789 826 837
Password: 031714

Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community
Weekly Worship Gathering Sundays at 10:30am
2700 Jane St. | Pittsburgh, PA 15203 | 412-481-4010 |

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