Subject: Register now for VBS!

Dear Hot Metal Community!

Happy Pride Month! We'll kick off our celebration of the beautiful diversity of God's children not only by having a presence at Pittsburgh Pride on Saturday, but also with worship together on Sunday! We'll hear the creation story as told in Genesis 1, and will marvel at the ways in which diversity and difference is baked into God's creative work. 

In celebration of this month, and remembering especially our trans and non-binary siblings as systems of power continue to scapegoat and attack them and their rights, here's a poem/reflection by a Lutheran colleague, Rev. Asher O'Callaghan about the ways in which God's creation encompasses the beautiful liminality that rejects binaries:

In the beginning, God created day and night. But have you ever seen a sunset!?!? Well trans and non-binary people are kind of like that. Gorgeous. Full of a hundred shades of color you can't see in plain daylight or during the night.

In the beginning God created land and sea. But have you ever seen a beach?!?! Well trans and non-binary people are kind of like that. Beautiful. A balanced oasis that's not quite like the ocean, nor quite like the land.

In the beginning God created birds of the air and fish of the sea. But have you ever seen a flying fish, or a duck or a puffin that swims and flies, spending lots of time in the water and on the land!?!? Well trans and non-binary people are kind of like that. Full of life. A creative combination of characteristics that blows people's minds.

In the beginning God also created male and female, in God's own image, God created them. So in the same way that God created realities in between, outside of, and beyond night and day, land and sea, or fish and birds, so God also created people with genders beyond male and female. Trans and non-binary and agender and intersex, God created us. All different sorts of people for all different sorts of relationships. Created from love to love and be loved. In God's image we live.

God is still creating you. You are no less beautiful and wild than a sunset or a beach or a puffin. You are loved. You have a place here.

I hope you join us on Sunday and beyond as we continue to embrace our createdness, and the belovedness of all different sorts of people.

In Christ,

Pastor Erin

Hot Metal's Bike-a-Thon!

We are having a Bike-a-thon on July 23rd! Get your informational letter, sponsorship form, and waiver to sign, a bike (or scooter, or stroller, or roller skates, etc.) and HELMET and we'll see you at 5:30pm July 23rd! (Rain date July 30th).

Sanctuary: Art + Honors 

"Sanctuary: Art + Honors" is a LGBTQIA+ art show and a celebration of safe spaces that we're planning for this fall, September 2023. It will run for a full week in our building! (Call for artists will start in June if you're interested.) 

Additionally, we're kicking off the show by bestowing the Sanctuary Award (yes, we invented it) on another local organization to honor their work in creating safe spaces for LGBTQIA+ individuals in the Pittsburgh area. For our inaugural year, we will be honoring BikePGH! Proceeds from the event will support both Hot Metal and BikePGH. 

The plans are underway and the wheels are turning, but we need a few more hands on deck. Could you help us out by joining the steering committee? We meet online monthly, and there will be concrete tasks between meetings that we'll delegate; so you can help out as little or as much as you are able. These are the areas you can get involved in:

  • Art Show Logistics & Artist Relations

  • Sponsorships & Fundraising

  • Promotion & Publicity

  • Administrative & Behind the Scenes

If you are willing to join the Sanctuary steering committee, either sign up here or let Pastor Erin know. Our next meeting is May 10 at 6 PM.

VBS for All Ages - Operation Restoration! July 24-28, 5-7pm

This VBS invites ALL of us to be menders in God’s world. As we make connections between Bible stories and mending actions, we’ll discover simple ways to live out faith in daily life. Everyone at Operation Restoration explores language and practices to mend God’s world.

Each day, we'll have dinner and worship together, age appropriate Bible and topic studies (yes, even for the adults) and play games and make crafts! All the fun for families of all shapes and sizes! 

Sign Ups Available NOW: 

Spring Nurturing Group - ON this week!

Join us on Tuesday at 8pm to discuss Chapters 6 & 7 of My Body is Not a Prayer Request by Amy Kenny! Use the Sunday Zoom Link to join!

Help at the Table Needed this Summer!

We have open dates for meal prep at the Table this summer! If you are able to volunteer or prepare a meal ahead of time to be served by others, we'd appreciate your help!

Reach out to Pastor Erin to schedule a time to help out, or if you have questions! We'd especially love some help in August!


1 Pittsburgh Food for Good and Bonfire

6 New Community Church

8 Sixth Presbyterian

13 Crafton Heights

15 Joyce Trew


22 Sharon Manley

27 Pinehurst/NCC

29 Refuge for Women


4 NO TABLE For the Holiday

6 Southminster Pres

11 Crafton Heights 

13 Bonfire Grill/Food For Good

18 Bower Hill 


25 HMBFC VBS (no Table, but we'll have extra meals on hand) 

27 HMBFC VBS (no Table, but we'll have extra meals on hand)


1 New Community Church


8 Crafton Heights





24 Bonfire Grill/Food for Good

29 Union Presbyterian



5 New Community Church

7 Southminster Pres

12 Crafton Heights

14 OPEN (Take-Out Only for HMBFC Art Show) 

19 Bower Hill (Take-Out Only for HMBFC Art Show) 

21 OPEN (Take-Out Only for HMBFC Art Show) 

26 Union Presbyterian

28 Bonfire Grill/Food For Good 

Sunday Zoom Meeting // 10:30am:
Meeting ID: 789 826 837
Password: 031714

Wednesday Zoom Meeting // 1:00pm:
Meeting ID: 685 174 111
Password: 000513

Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community
Weekly Worship Gathering Sundays at 10:30am
2700 Jane St. | Pittsburgh, PA 15203 | 412-481-4010 |

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