Subject: Let the little children come to me and do not stop them...

...for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.
Journey of Hope Program // THUR 4-7PM & SUN 9AM-2PM // main hall // If you have been feeling sad, powerless, or hopeless for the families being separated at the southern border, here is something we can do together in our own backyard. Migrant children are being cared for by the Holy Family Institute and they've put out a call for donations. If you can contribute, bring your items to HMBFC on Thursday between 4-7pm or on Sunday from 9am-2pm. And please pray for the children and the good folks at HFI - not all of the attention they are receiving is positive.

Brunch Bunch // SAT JULY 14 @ 11AM // main hall // Parents and kids please join us for an intentional get-to-know-each-other and share in fellowship. You don't need to bring anything to share! There will be activities for the kids and kid-friendly foods (if there are food allergies or intolerance in your family please bring something you know is safe to eat). Email

Common Prayer // This summer the pastors and worship team will be using Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals as a resource for designing our worship gatherings. We think you'll be encouraged in your daily faith by the selected scriptures, guided prayers, music, and written reflections provided by Common Prayer and invite you to join us in using this resource. We think your experiences on Sundays will be richer, too. Common Prayer is available in print versions or can be accessed for free at or by using the app.

Homeless Ministry // SAT @ 12pm // main hall // When this team brings lunch to the men and women in our city who live outside and on the streets they bring more than sandwiches: they bring recognition, connection, and love. To join up, email
The Table // TUES & THUR @ 5:30PM // main hall // The Table is food, friends, and FREE! Everyone is invited to enjoy a freshly prepared dinner and the sort of fellowship that can only happen over a shared meal. Email 

Worship Preview // JULY 1 @ 10:30AM // main hall // We will take time to celebrate the memory of Claudia Warner with some of her favorite things: rocking music, Brennan Manning quotes, and Franktuary hotdogs!
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Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community
Weekly Worship Gathering Sundays at 10:30am
2700 Jane St. | Pittsburgh, PA 15203 | 412-481-4010 |

2700 Jane Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15203, United States
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