Subject: Look Back with Thanks

Reaching Higher Newsletter
Look Back with Thanksgiving 

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"The end of the year is a time of thanksgiving for what God has done in our lives. Look back and see how God has answered our prayers for our country. He has shaken the country and our people and will continue to bring His Kingdom to South Africa as long as we keep praying."

The above was in a newsletter, received from a local prayer ministry. As we come to the end of our year of homeschooling, let this be a time of reflecting on the positive things that you have appreciated this year…in your home, in your community, in our nation.

Look back on the events in your home and family and focus on the things for which you can be thankful. Look for the highlights!

We all have challenges and will continue to do so, but if we focus only on those “mountains”, we sometimes feel overwhelmed. Looking back at where we have come from in the past year and counting our blessings helps to put things in a more balanced perspective.

We have previously written about the dis-ease that so many homeschool parents suffer from – its called: Am I Doing Enough?  so we don’t do that again.

While its good to self-evaluate from time to time, we want to encourage you today to focus only on the good things of 2016.

As South Africans we often take for granted some of the things that expatriates long for. Things like:

  • Truly blue skies and plenty of sunshine year round
  • Being able to get out into nature without travelling too far
  • Braaivleis and open fires
  • A friendly, relaxed culture where strangers will smile at each other or say hello
  • Being understood when you use local terminology like bakkie, robot, slap chips, lekker, howzit, etc

As homeschoolers, we can be thankful for the extra time we get to spend with our children, while they are still living at home. As moms, whose two eldest children have left our nests, the reality of how precious the time is that we have with our younger children has really hit home.

Look back on all the small day-to-day victories that you and your children have achieved – chores that have been mastered, becoming better organised, new skills learned, new passions developed, accomplishments in sportsmanship, growth in character, kindness shown, acts of service to others etc.. reflect and be thankful for the milestones achieved.

Homeschool Parent Books On Special till 1 January 2016

For more information about the contents of each book, use these links:
Use Your MY SCHOOL CARD to support a Homeschool Family Ministry

Hagar’s Choice is a South African homeschool family ministry that we support.

A Cape Town family of 5 offer their time, love and their home as a place of safety for babies and children awaiting adoption.

The Campher family are homeschoolers, but each member of the family, has a baby to care for until the little one is adopted and taken to their ‘forever’ home.

Hagar’s Choice has been approved as a My School My Village recipient. Your day to day purchases from this list of vendors can benefit this homeschool family ministry and non-proft organisation.

If you are willing, please apply for a My School Card or add them as a beneficiary of your My School Card. You are allowed a maximum of three beneficiaries.

To do this, please download this form and nominate Hagar’s Choice as a beneficiary of the My School Card Programme. Email the form back to or fax it to 0866 822 833.

For more info about other ways you can support them, through prayer, social media sharing or donations of baby goods or finances, visit this page on our site: Hagar’s Choice


Call Mike for English language and literature online. 

I am a Cambridge trained teacher with three university degrees, and English teaching experience in South Africa, the UK, the Middle East and China. 

I use Skype and email, with personal contact if possible. 
Please call me on 0843448333 or email me at My website is

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