Subject: Footprints Nature Quest - a Truly LIVING Education

Dear friend,

Education is not so much about filling children’s minds with facts, but rather it’s about introducing children to topics and subjects that fascinate them, views and ideas that challenge them and great authors whose stories and experiences enrich their knowledge and thinking.

We believe that learning should consist of great stories, rich conversations, purposeful work and an atmosphere of joy and delight that leads to a love of learning and a love for our country.

That's why we are so excited about our just-launched Footprints Nature Quest programme!

It ticks all those boxes! In addition, it is so relevant: you and your children (ages 4-16 years) will be learning about South Africa HERE and NOW!

On this brand new book-driven safari your family will LEARN about the incredible biodiversity of South Africa's nine biomes, READ engaging stories from each area of the country and discover how you can MAKE A DIFFERENCE right where you are!

Your children will also learn about a variety of possible careers in nature and even develop skills like research, observation, graphic design, marketing and critical thinking!

Would you like a sneak peek at our guide? Download the sample chapter here.

  • Get your family reading great books together

  • Get your kids off screens and exploring out of doors

  • Build memories by sharing experiences together

  • ..and give your children a LIVING education that covers science, geography, even a bit of history and so much more!

Footprints Nature Quest Classic - for ages 8-16

Footprints Nature Quest Junior - for ages 4- 8

If you are not ready to buy the programme yet, be sure to sign up for our free Nature Study Made Easy email course - at the bottom of this page!

Shirley and Wendy

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