Subject: Charlotte Mason for 21st century homeschoolers

Dear friend,

Footprints on Our Land incorporates many of Charlotte Mason’s principles in our various literature-based learning programmes. In this, the 21st Century, many may ask what relevance a woman from the late 1800s has for modern children. Our answer – A LOT!

With today’s culture of achievement, our youth can feel pressure to succeed in ways previous generations did not. A survey done every year by Higher Education Research asks new tertiary students if they feel overwhelmed by all they have to do. 80% of students express feelings of stress and anxiety. Yet another poll showed that psychological illnesses are on the rise in higher education institutes.

We've seen an increase in anxiety in young tweens and teens since CAPS with all the standardised testing, subjects, assessments and exams. In consultations with parents who say their young children cannot cope with the pressure and stress in school, many reveal that their children are already on medication for anxiety!

If the purpose of learning is to score well on a test, we’ve lost sight of the real reason for learning.” ~ Jeannie Fulbright

Today's children and teens are constantly connected to social media. It's not surprising that their self-esteem―and worldview ―becomes connected to responses to social media posts. It's hard for them not to compare their life and social connections to what they see others posting on social media.

Martie du Plessis of Dynamis, a homeschool consultant who has counseled homeschooling parents for over 25 years, reports that after two years, most homeschooling families are stressed out or burnt out and either put their children back into school or decide that they need to change the curriculum that they use.

In contrast to an education system that offers screen, textbooks, tests and pressure, a Charlotte Mason method offers you living books, experiences, discipline, nature study, art, poetry and habits of excellence. Stress-free!


And with Charlotte Mason, and Footprints, you can give your children a broad and generous education that empowers them to handle any school leaving exams of their choice and to make good decisions for their futures.

“Children are born with all the curiosity they need. It will last a lifetime if they are fed upon a daily dose of ideas.” ~ Charlotte Mason

To find out more about our 4 available programmes – and the 3 new ones in the pipeline – join us on 30 June for a FREE livestream on Homeschooling with Footprints.

If you would like to find out more about Charlotte Mason, we stock Karen Andreola’s Charlotte Mason Companion. It's a great investment for home educating parents!

Nature Study Focus for June - Trees

So far this year, we have focused on weeds, birds and flowers. For the month of June, challenge your children to identify and draw three trees found in your area, preferably indigenous trees, but any trees will be better than none!
We'd love you to share their nature study records on our Facebook group, to inspire all of us to do more nature study!

Shirley and Wendy

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