Subject: [MNEW] September 2022 Newsletter

New's Letter September 2022
Michael New Action Fund United Nations Watch

By way of explanation

Since the middle 1990’s we have been putting out various and sundry newsletters, editorials, essays, rants and ravings, and even one book. The focus has shifted, depending on what was happening in the world and the nation, but also in our own family. (The name of former Army SPC Michael New is familiar to all of our long time readers.) Earlier subscribers knew of our foray into practical politics (Independent Conservative Voters), while still earlier friends and family read a lot about linguistics and our decade working with Wycliffe Bible Translators. We still have a lot to say about current events, even though we don’t have the audience or the platform we once had. If there were more voices of sanity out there, silence would be the easy road, but it appears that the American people have been so brainwashed, through a combination of controlled media (mainstream media, government schools, textbooks, social media, etc.) that if they retain the ability to think critically at all, there is still a paucity of timely information to assist them in understanding what is being done to our nation, and to the world. Sometimes a word fitly spoken can act as a seed that will bear fruit in the minds of those who hear it. For some, it’s like a light came on, while for others it may take years for an idea to germinate, but when it does, there is often a virtual harvest of ideas as we awaken.

World War III has begun.

How many American men (and women, now) will die in this war for the conquest of the world? We have become the very thing we accused the Soviets of doing — world domination! The proxy war in Ukraine is the culmination of at least three decades of an American Policy commitment to destroy Russia. And why would they want to do that? It’s very simple, even if also profoundly ironic: The USA is committed to bringing about a New World Order, a one-world government.

In 1989, the Bush administration was active in setting the terms for reunification of Germany. So were all the major powers, including the Soviet Union. The West was adamant that they wanted Germany as one country. Russia didn’t fight it — instead they exacted a promise, signed by our Secretary of State by which we agreed that NATO would not take ONE INCH to the east of the boundaries at that time. Everyone agreed. Of course, we have broken the agreement numerous times, and egregiously so. Russia has continually protested to no avail.

What supreme irony, that today Russia is the leading voice for national sovereignty, as opposed to internationalism; and at the same time, the USA is funding and promoting one world government. We have reversed our positions! We are still enemies, but each based on principles opposite what they were just a few decades ago.

Today there are dozens of US military bases ringed around Russia, on foreign soil, posing a direct military threat to that sovereign nation, a nation with which we were not at war. Well, not formally, anyway. In addition, there are biological and chemical weapons labs scattered around the borders of Russia, even though this is a violation of yet more treaties and law. The bottom line is that the USA has been waging asymmetric warfare against Russia ever since Putin took power, moving his country towards independence from the fledgling One World Government we have created. The USA apparently will not stop until Russia is destroyed, or a puppet regime can be installed there.

That’s not why we send our children to serve in the armed forces. It IS why we continue to send free books about Mike’s story to active duty personnel. Thanks SO MUCH for continuing to make that possible with your support.

“If you love your country, the United Nations is not your friend.”

  • Former SPC4 Medic, Michael New

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