Subject: [MNAF] Micheal New Day 2019

New's Letter October 2019
Michael New Action Fund Internet Edition


October 10, 1995

(Schweinfurt, Germany) — Brigadier General Engstrom, of Finland, walked out onto the parade grounds of the US military base here, expecting to find 550 American soldiers standing at attention in their bright blue berets with the US flag on their right shoulder replaced by a United Nations patch.

Only 549 soldiers saluted him.That’s because SPC4 Michael New, one of the battalion's most decorated medics, had been placed under arrest and removed from the formation.Why?Because he was wearing an authorized Battle Dress Uniform (BDU).And he was the only one.Every other soldier on that day was wearing the baby blue beret of the United Nations, a uniform head covering that was not authorized, and hence not permitted by the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).

President Bill Clinton, through Executive Orders, had handed American soldiers over to the United Nations to be used, in this case, on a “Peacekeeping” deployment into Macedonia for a six month tour of duty.

President Clinton justified this action in his message to Congress by lying about the nature of the deployment, and several other aspects, including his authority to do so. A spineless Congress paid no heed, as he fully expected.It was not the first, and would not be the last time.

Specialist New understood what very few military personnel have figured out to this day — that our national sovereignty depends upon our ability to keep our military out of the control of those who are working tirelessly to create a one world government.

To one reporter, he said, “Look, it’s a question of authority.IF they can FORCE me to wear a UN uniform in Macedonia, then the day will come when they can force me to wear that same uniform in New York, or California, or Texas.Geography is no defense — they either have that authority, or they don’t.And all I am saying is that they sure don’t have that authority over me.It was not in my contract.It was not in my Oath of Allegiance.It’s not in the Constitution.They can put me in prison, but I will still be an American, not a UN mercenary!”

Michael New’s sacrifice of his career in the US Army is reminiscent of Patrick Henry’s famous line, “I care not what others choose to do — as for me, give me Liberty, or give me Death!”Fortunately, it did not come down to such an extreme, but the stand was virtually identical.

Mark your calendars. October 10 is a day that should be remembered for the courage of one young man to give up his career and risk imprisonment for the sake of our national sovereignty.

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