Subject: [MNAF] August 2019 News from New's

New's Letter August - 2019
Michael New Action Fund Internet Edition

It just hit me this morning, as I sipped my first cup of herbal tea - primarily Peppermint from our own garden - that it was this month, 24 years ago, that we got a phone call from our son, SPC4 MICHAEL NEW, on a Wednesday morning. That was unusual, because he normally called on weekends. He was stationed in Germany, and making phone calls during the week was not a typical pattern for a medic in the US Army.

"Hey, Dad! Just thought I'd call and let you know that I think I'm going to get court-martialed."

That's not a phone call any parent welcomes. I asked, "Good grief! What have you done?"

"I haven't done anything," he said.

"Oh, come one, Son, they don't court-martial you for not doing anything. So what's up?"

"It's for something I'm not going to do." Now he had my curiosity up.

"They told me I have to wear a United Nations uniform, and go on a United Nations deployment to Macedonia, and I told them that's not going to happen."


That phone call started a roller-coaster ride in our lives, one that lingers to this day!

We fought Bill Clinton's ILLEGAL order to place American soldiers under foreign generals in Macedonia on a United Nations deployment (in unauthorized uniforms) for over 20 years. We were denied access three times to the Supreme Court. Congress voted a resolution of support (which, along with a $10 bill will get you a large burger with fries and drink). We lost in military courts, we lost in civilian courts. Mike lost his career with a Bad Conduct Discharge. But we did not lose in the court of Public Opinion.

Today, thanks to SPC Michael New's stand, there are NO American troops (to our knowledge), certainly no units - battalions or brigades - serving in blue berets under foreign officers. Mike gave up his career in order for that to happen. It was a small price to pay. Like he said at the time - "I'm not taking a bullet. I'm just losing a career. I'm humbled to be able to stand with patriots like Patrick Henry and Nathan Hale and say no to tyranny."

All troops in uniform today owe Michael New a debt of gratitude, even though they don't know it. His story was compelling at the time, and continues to be important.

When a nation loses its sovereignty, it does not get it back.

But that didn't fix all the problems. We still have a government which thinks it's perfectly acceptable to go to war in unconstitutional ways. Regardless of the party in power, the Constitution is STILL SUPPOSED TO BE THE LAW OF THE LAND.

If you believe that America should return to the Constitution, then you and I have a duty to educate all those wearing uniforms, now and in the future, to the never-ceasing attack upon what is left of our Republic. And one way to do that is to put this book - the story of Michael New - in the hands of our soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, coast guardsmen, reservists, national guardsmen, etc. We cannot count the letters we have received from military personnel and their families about the impact the book made on the way they see their duty to their country, and to how they have a duty to react to illegal orders!

During all of this, we have sent out thousands of free copies of the book, "MICHAEL NEW - Mercenary... or American Soldier?", to military personnel. To this day we continue to do so. But it costs us money we can ill afford. We manage to do it because of patriots like you who send us donations. The cover price on the book is only $5, and postage costs around a buck and a half, but we don't put a price on it.

YOU can get this book to students (and their parents) who are thinking about enlisting. YOU can get this book into the hands of our military personnel around the world. And that means YOU can affect the thinking of the future leaders, the top sergeants and the future commanders who are still forming their own philosophy of government and how the American military should operate. This book makes people think! It is as pertinent as it was 23 years ago when Cliff Kincaid and I wrote it.

For a sovereign Constitutional Republic, under God, once again,

Daniel New
Project Manager

PS. You want your book autographed to your soldier, etc.? We can do that. Want a hard cover, first edition? Just ask - we have at least a case of those left. And they're doing nobody any good sitting in my barn! Please help us get this book distributed to this new generation of military personnel. Send requests to me at my e-mail below. Make donations either by check or electronically. And if you want to order a case of paperbacks, our price remains at "a buck a book!" $50 for 50 books, plus $18 postage - anywhere in the USA. Many veterans groups and patriots have used them for fund-raisers.

Buy 50 Books

Purchase one Book

Forward this message to at least one friend and they will thank you!!!

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Donations are not tax-deductible or send directly to:
P.O. Box 17
Carlton, Texas 76436

(C) 2019, Daniel D. New (