Subject: [CPTexas] Yeah, I’m a Member


“Yeah, I’m a Member.”

Has this happened to you?  Just this afternoon I asked a young man if he was familiar with the Constitution Party, and he said, “Yeah, I know about it.  Me and my family are members.”  I was mildly surprised, since I know for a fact that neither his name, nor that of his family, has ever shown up on our membership rolls, they have never paid their dues, and they have never attended a single meeting of the party in Texas.  So I asked him to tell me what they do, and he said, “Well, we’re not real active in it, because not much is happening where we live, but we are strong supporters.”

How many people are thinking like this?  How many people are claiming allegiance to a party that needs them to join, and they don’t know how to join?  We need them; they need us. 

Fortunately, I happened to have a copy of the application form handy, and we now have one new member (a college student) and will soon have his family in west Texas signed up as well. 

I explained that we are somewhat in a hurry, because we expect a flood of disaffected Republicans to be looking for a political home in a couple of months, and he said his father will be happy to become a Point of Contact for their county.  I guess I’ll know pretty soon if he knows his dad that well, but the important thing that I took away from that conversation was that there are many, many people out there who are open to joining, if we will but ask them.

I urge you to print out a copy or two of the application for membership, which you can find here:

Of course, they can also join on-line.  But whether they pay dues or not, we need to recognize that there are many people out there calling themselves members, and we need to get our messages to them, if we are going to grow this party.

If you are willing to serve as a Point of Contact for your county, will you please drop me an e-mail, or call me? 

For a Constitutional Republic, under God, once agains,


Daniel New

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil
is for good men to keep voting
for the lesser of two evils.”

We are the OFFICIAL
Constitution Party of Texas



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