Subject: New HMC feature! Come to the "Hot Seat"

Hi Friend,

We going to try something new this month with the rollout of the Zoom Hot Seat.

What's a "Hot Seat?"

Anyone who's on the session that needs help with one of their projects or mixes will be able to get help not only from me, but everyone else on the call.

I'm in a couple of mastermind groups that use this technique and it's really helpful not only for the one seeking the help, but those listening as well.

The Zoom Hot Seat will take place this coming Thursday September 30th at 1PM Eastern / 10AM Pacific.

Here's the Zoom meeting info:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 771 556 4873

Passcode: 5zuTYW

This should be a lot of fun.

Come and check it out, and lend your voice, if you can.


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