Subject: Hit Makers Club Q&A Zoom session this Thursday!

Hi Friend,

We're going to try another Zoom session for the next Q&A again.

That way you can ask your questions directly instead of using chat (although you can use that too).

The Q&A Zoom session will be held at 1PM Eastern / 10AM Pacific this Thursday June 25th.

You can either join via clicking the link below, or call in using one of the phone numbers.

Topic: Bobby Owsinski's HMC Q&A Zoom Meeting

Time: Jun 25, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 771 556 4873

Password: 5zuTYW

Find your local number:

As always, we have a lot of great questions already sent in, but there will still be time for yours live on the webinar. Don't miss it!

Feel free to send me your questions about any of the programs or anything else that you have on your mind to before the webinar, but you can also easily ask them during the webinar as well.

If you aren't able to join, keep in mind that the webinar will be recorded and posted so that you can check it out at a later time.

Hope to see you there!


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