Subject: Take another step towards getting your songs placed

Hi Friend,

That was an excellent panel yesterday! I hope you were able to catch it.

Getting insights about placements from some of the top music supervisors in TV and film is so incredibly useful.

If case you missed it, here is the replay link. It’s only up for another 36 hours but you can access it here:

Click Here For The Replay

I hope that you've been inspired to make a real effort to get your music placed in film and television. It can really change your life.

I'm pretty sure you're aware of this already, but there are 3 major benefits from just one good Sync Placement:

  • You get paid an advance for the license, and then receive backend royalties whenever the show, movie, or ad airs. This could mean thousands of dollars right off the bat!

  • Your music is put in front of millions of people. It's not unheard of to get your big break from just one well-placed sync that eventually even ends up on the charts.

  • You get residual income (mailbox money) from royalties which can allow you to quit your day job as you get more and more placements (I've personally seen this happen more than once).

The problem is that the vast majority of artists and bands never even get their first placement.


If this is you, I want to tell you that there's a MUCH better way!

My friend Chris SD hangs out with top music supervisors in LA (as evidenced by his panel) and his job is connecting indie musicians like yourself to the gatekeepers.

He is going to show you exactly how he can do that for you in his masterclass “How To Connect With The Right People In TV & Film”. 

Click to register for the masterclass

Just to make sure that you don't miss it, you can pick from 2 different live webinar times.

Plus there will also be time for live Q&A at the end so you can ask him any questions you have about how he can help you get your music into TV and film!

Click here to save your spot

I think you're going to dig this, Friend!


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