Subject: New gigs for musicians!

Hi Friend.

There’s a hidden opportunity right now for musicians. In fact…

Indie artists are thriving in the international conference market in ways that you're probably unaware of right now.

That's why I'm really excited to bring you a live special edition training with my friend Tiamo De Vettori, who specializes in this area! 

Discover where all these live conference gigs are that the music industry isn't telling you about when you...

Click on the link below to join us for this live training on Thursday November 2nd at 3PM Eastern!

If you've ever been tired of...

    1) Playing for free for "good exposure"
    2) Performing in front of small audiences 

   3) Pushing to "make it” in the music industry

. . .then this complimentary training is perfect for you because you can get in front of large sold-out crowds and make great income with your music passion.

Click Here to sign up here before it closes! 

Tiamo has performed in front of tens of thousands of conference attendees, and now, he's sharing his biggest insights with you inside this live masterclass!

Best regards,


P.S. This is brand new content that I haven't seen anywhere else which is why I wanted you to be the first to benefit from it!

P.P.S. Tiamo is a great storyteller, so it's worth joining just to hear his awesome stories.

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