Subject: [Mixing Secrets] Do you know how to get a radio-ready mix?

Find out how to get that big major label sound in the free workshop.

Hi Friend,

Just a reminder that in 3 days you can have your competition for mixing gigs shaking in their boots.

That's when my free 5 day Music Mixing Secrets Workshop begins - next Tuesday at 1PM Eastern on Facebook.

Lock in your spot here.

>>If you want to know how to get a major label sounding mix. . .

>>If you want to know how to make your drums big and punchy. . .

>>If you want to know how to get your mixes to sound better than you every thought they could. . .

. .then you won't want to miss this.

It's 5 days of state-of-the-art training - the absolute best you'll find in the music industry (just read some of the endorsements) - for FREE.

The Music Mixing Secrets workshop will be held on a private Facebook group, so you'll have to ask to join to have access.

Join here. . .and soon you'll be creating mixes that will get your music the recognition it deserves.

And if you can't be there each day at 1PM, don't worry - you can watch the replays, but you have to sign up to join the group first.

See you there!


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