Subject: Can you make my track more powerful?

Hi Friend,

Way back when I was still figuring mixing out, I was in the middle of a mix that wasn’t going anywhere. 

I struggled for hours to make the bass and drums really punch but I just couldn’t make it happen, and the producer was getting anxious. 😡

Just then the control room door swung open and in strode the house engineer - a real old-timer.

He gently pushed me aside and said, “It’s done like this!” In a matter of minutes he had the bass and drums sounding like the major label release it was to become.

I was so thankful that he took the time to show me something that would stay with me the rest of life. That’s what I want to show you today in Lesson #2 of my Mixing Secrets Workshop.

It doesn’t matter what kind of music you do, you want your mix to sound as powerful as a major label release.

Lesson #2 is all about taking that wimpy track and transforming it into a powerhouse through a very precise combination of EQ and compression.

You’ll also learn a new method for timing your compressors to the track (something I just came up with, in fact).

> > > CLICK HERE: Adding Power To Your Mixes < < <

I promise that what you’ll learn is something that will make your next mix undeniably powerful. And you’re going to love the results.

See you there,


P.S. This video covers a lot of ground including compressor timing and buss processing. Some of it is subtle at first, but it all adds up to make your track sound exactly like what everyone wants to hear.

Click here to access it.

Important: This video is the second in my free Mixing Secrets Workshop - and it’s only available for the next 6 days.

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