Subject: 31 Exclusive Interviews From World Renowned Mixers

Hi Friend,

What do mixers and barbeque pitmasters have in common?

They aren't afraid to share their secrets. 

I recently heard Dave Grohl talk about his love for barbecue, and how the legendary pitmasters in the world are willing to tell anyone how they do it. 

But why would they just give their secrets away like that? 🤔

Wouldn’t that ruin the exclusivity of Aaron Franklin’s brisket?

 No way!

Because no matter how hard you try to copy their techniques, your brisket won’t turn out like theirs. 

Mixing is the exact same way. 

Top of their class mixers are happy to tell you how they style their reverbs to the track, or their EQ and compression techniques, because they know you won’t be able to do it just like them… (which is not a bad thing!)

Every mixer has a signature and special nuances that were developed over years of perfecting their craft. 

They learned from their mentors the same way that you learn from yours (although yours may be via YouTube). 

And as a mixer, it’s vital that you pull techniques and philosophies from all the people who have been doing it for years. 

That’s why I included 31 in-depth interviews from masters of the art of mixing in my new book The Mixing Engineer’s Handbook (5th Edition). 

I learned a lot over the years from some of these incredible mixers, and I have boiled down the fundamentals of mixing and paired them with years of wisdom from world-class mixers spanning all genres…

Here’s everything you’re getting:

  • 5th Edition Mixing Engineer's Handbook Physical Book (a $44.95 value)

  • 30-Minute Group Coaching Call with Bobby Owsinski (a $250 value)

  • Vocal Mixing Techniques Mini-Course (a $97 value)

  • FREE Shipping!

This limited time offer is only valid until 11:59PM PST on Thursday, April 14th.

>> Click here to get The 5th Edition Mixing Engineer’s Handbook Today!

(PLUS: The first 500 copies ship the same day so be sure to hurry over to grab your copy now…)


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