Subject: The ANSWER to any PROBLEM


You're probably getting just as tired of the headlines as I am. In my latest video here, I explain how I keep my head above these stormy seas, and how you can as well!

P.S. In the video, I also mention my popular online course, Mind/Body Makeover, where I share all of my personal tips and techniques for shaking off the last few years of the hogwash.

If you ever wished you could change your past, or get over what you did (or didn't do) then this video is for you.

This is from my second channel on youtube, LIVING SWELL with Peggy Hall. Be sure to tune in every Monday at 11 am pacific/2 pm eastern, for my positive encouragement for vibrant living.

Many lovely Healthy Americans have reached out to me in distress because their friends, family and acquaintances just don't seem to get the truth of what is going on! In this video, I share my ideas as to the REAL reason we are in this mess -- and what to do about it.

P.S. If it weren't for your prayers and financial support, I could NOT continue doing this important work of educating and empowering people to stand up against tyranny.

For those who are able to help keep this ship afloat, donations can be made here.

Please consider a monthly donation so we can keep this ship afloat!

with PRAYERS of gratitude!! 🥰🙏

~ Peggy

YOU are a blessing to us here at THE HEALTHY AMERICAN...

Peggy Hall,


Card and checks gratefully received here:

Peggy Hall

205 Avenida del Mar #681

San Clemente, CA 92674