Employers REQUIRED to accommodate your beliefs or show EVIDENCE why they cannot


I’ve got GREAT news coming to you about one of the Supreme Court’s recent LANDMARK rulings regarding religious freedom at the woke-place!

Click to watch the video below (some said this is my BEST.VIDEO.EVER -- especially if you don't mind a mild rant.)😇

Protecting your religious freedom has been my mission since DAY ONE of this abominable hogwash operation that was sloshed all over us starting in March 2020.

YOU have the God-given right to worship, observe, practice and BELIEVE as your soul requires.

NO MAN has the right to come between you and your Creator.

(God has a will and plan for your life, and whether or not you believe in Him, He believes in you.)

Unfortunately at nearly every turn, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs, Mormons, Taoists and even Atheists (yes, Atheism is recognized by the government as a religious belief) have had their rights thwarted by employers, educators, medical workers, airline agents, grocery store clerks and the government.

I can state this fact unequivocally because for the last three+ years, I (along with my Pastor husband) have been educating, counseling, encouraging and coaching people from all walks of life to stand up against this blatant religious discrimination and to fight back against this tyranny and oppression, especially at the woke-place (i.e., on the job).

Click HERE if you are being discriminated against by your employer, college, medical practitioner or other. We can coach you through the process of defending your rights without losing access to your job, school, medical provider, etc.

I don’t know if the Supreme Court Justices have been following my videos about Title VII (the law that protects you from religious discrimination at work) but they definitely interpreted the law the same way I have been teaching it for the last 3+ years.

What that means is that YOU as an employee have the LEGALLY-protected right to not be coerced, threatened, intimidated or bullied into doing anything that conflicts with your God-given conscience.

Imagine if your employer had put into place:

  • a required “tattoo policy” whereby every employee had to have the company logo tattooed on the forearm

  • a mandatory “sleep with your boss policy” to foster team-building

  • a required “donate your kidney policy” for social responsibility

  • a mandatory “abortion policy” whereby any pregnant woman was required to have an abortion as a condition to continue working

Friends, these concepts might seem outlandish and outrageous, but I guarantee you they are not far-fetched.

You see, once you give in, give up and give over your rights to sovereignty over your body, then where does it stop?

(And no, “bodily sovereignty” does not give you the right to harm another living being, such a developing baby in the womb. That is another body, with its own sovereignty.)

Let’s get back to the recent Supreme Court ruling, shall we?

Groff v. DeJoy, Postmaster General

This landmark decision, published on June 29, 2023 ruled that the employer MUST accommodate an employee’s sincerely-held religious beliefs, practice and observance — unless the employer can DEMONSTRATE actual economic hardship that impacts the conduct of business.

What this means for you: [CLICK HERE to continue reading this post on my free substack)


If you are ready to sigh a BREATH of relief now that the cooties hogwash is starting to recede, be sure to hop on this comprehensive collection of interviews with dozens of leading voices in the freedom movement.

I'm honored to be a part of the speaking panel, and my topic is about how to stand up for your rights and persevere in the face of oppression.

With the release of The End of Covid, a 90-part virtual educational summit beginning on July 11th, 2023, the era of germ theory and virology is coming to a close. There will be a wide range of speakers at this event, some of whom you may know already and others who will be new faces, all with the objective of revealing the deception that has been perpetrated on our society for decades.

Sign up here for FREE now, in advance of this online event that kicks off on July 11.


Join us on SUNDAY JULY 9th, 2023

11:00 am

NORTH BEACH, San Clemente

We love getting together with our Healthy American Family for Beach Church!

Please note NEW DATE this month is JULY 9th (second Sunday)

Pastor David gives about a 20-minute sermon (and I speak for about 20 minutes with legal updates and positive encouragement in these stormy seas). And we occasionally have guest speakers touching on social/current events, and sharing their own stories of triumph over the tyrants!

Bring a beach chair, shade, water, etc -- and then join us as we head out to lunch afterwards for fellowship, fun, food, friends and FREEDOM!

The location is "North Beach" San Clemente, at "Via Estacion." Parking is free on Sundays (in the parking lot for the Amtrak station). Note: this is NOT at the Pier; it is at NORTH BEACH.

After you cross the train tracks, look for our group at the North end of the beach.

See you then!

P.S. If it weren't for your prayers and financial support, I could NOT continue doing this important work of educating and empowering people to stand up against tyranny.

If you find my content helpful and you are able to help keep this ship afloat, donations can be made here.

with PRAYERS of gratitude!! 🥰🙏

~ Peggy