Subject: CATASTROPHIC CONTAGION -- Is this the NEXT plandemic?

Thank you to all the Healthy Americans who asked me to cover this breaking news coming out of Johns Hopkins University.

You know -- the same Johns Hopkins that has been "flu-mongering" for the last three years, bringing you dire predictions and non-stop fear and panic?

Yeah, that Johns Hopkins.

Their ominous-sounding "Center for Health Security" was the seat of Event 201, which featured Granny Gates and the cabal doing a dress rehearsal for what would be the cooties emergency.

Now Granny Gates & Co have come up with CATASTROPHIC CONTAGION, which they promise will be even MORE DEADLY than cooties, and affect children and young people.

Now I'm going to go out on a limb here and give my own prediction, which is: these hogwashers will not be able to get away with what they did the first time because so many more of us are now awake, alert and on-the-ready to fight back, stand strong and repel the tyrants.

What say you?

~ Peggy

Friends, I am fighting for YOU and all of us who believe in truth, liberty, and justice. I devote my days to researching, preparing, and producing these educational videos in order to shed light on the truth and expose hidden agendas.

I'm including this video again in the hopes that you'll take a few moments to watch as I express my concerns about the panelists' statements during the roundtable discussion – and I'd like to hear your thoughts on the panelists who were selected to be on this Florida "Public Health Integrity Committee."

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P.S. If it weren't for your prayers and financial support, I could NOT continue doing this important work of educating and empowering people to stand up against tyranny.

For those who are able, donations can be made here.

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with PRAYERS of gratitude!! 🥰🙏

You can also mail your cards, letters or checks to:

Peggy Hall

205 Avenida del Mar, Unit 681

San Clemente, CA 92674

~ Peggy