Subject: When antibiotics failed me...

Home remedies that healed the wound...
Hi Friend,

In case you ever have an infection in need of healing, you may want to save this message.

In this message I'll share my personal experience healing an infected wound when antibiotics failed. I'll include some simple measures I used—which you can use, too—to end infections of various kinds.

Years ago, a wound on my leg was clearly no ordinary scratch or cut. I had no idea how I got it. It started as a red circle (on what is normally my rather pale skin) with a little black dot in the center of it. It looked as though something had taken a little chunk out of my flesh in that black dot.

That red circle of skin began enlarging rapidly and turning darker in color. It was ugly enough and spreading fast enough that I decided to go to my physician. (I include photos of it at the very bottom of this message so if you're squeamish you don't have to see it.) My physician was alarmed by the look and progression of the wound. Since whatever caused the wound was likely no longer present, he couldn't be certain of the cause. But he and the other physicians who examined it on subsequent days did agree that it was likely a venomous bite from a tick or spider—and the wound had become infected with bacteria.

My physician put me on a prescription oral antibiotic drug. But the infection kept spreading rapidly and getting ever more alarming.

So my team of physicians had me use crutches and stay off my infected leg so as not to spread the venom or infection. And they had me start going to the hospital every day to receive intravenous antibiotics, in addition to the oral antibiotics.

But even with all the antibiotics and other measures, the infected wound kept spreading. It grew much larger every day. The physicians had nothing else to offer or suggest. Their antibiotics clearly were not stopping the bacterial infection and they were also causing me diarrhea and fungal infection. I was getting scared and concerned that the physicians might soon recommend amputation of my leg.

So I took matters into my own hands. I implemented these actions every day:
  1. Poured a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide over the wound three times per day.
  2. Rubbed a cream containing a high concentration of calendula flower oil into the wound every hour.
  3. I was already taking about six grams of supplemental vitamin C per day, but I increased it to 18 grams per day.
  4. I had been taking 5 billion C.F.U. of probiotics twice each day, but I increased it to 60 billion C.F.U. every three hours.

Within 24 hours of my taking those steps, my wound finally began healing. It rapidly shrunk and its color lightened. My diarrhea stopped and the itchy red spots elsewhere on my body stopped itching.

I was amazed by how fast the healing occurred. Every day there was substantial healing and within two weeks the wound was essentially completely healed.

Here is why and how these steps worked (and what you can use from this):

  1. The hydrogen peroxide cleans out wounds and kills bacteria.
  2. The calendula cream helps remove toxins, kill bacteria, and promote healing of the skin.
  3. Though it's good to get vitamin C from your diet, nowadays it's generally impossible to get an optimal amount of vitamin C from foods alone. Most everyone needs to take supplements of it. When an infection is present, the body consumes and needs far more vitamin C. Research has shown that supplemental vitamin C supports the immune system, promotes healing of wounds, speeds healing after surgery, and shortens infections, in addition to many other benefits. For optimal absorption and benefit, you must take supplemental vitamin C multiple times each day, not just once a day.
  4. Taking antibiotics often kills off the beneficial bacteria that belong in your colon, in addition to the harmful bacteria. Probiotics replenish the beneficial bacteria in your colon. But if you're taking antibiotics, you may need to take large doses of probiotics multiple times a day to restore the bacteria that the antibiotics keep killing. I had to take such large doses frequently throughout the day. That stopped the diarrhea and fungal infection that the antibiotics were causing. 

Some other substances that can be helpful in eliminating infections include oregano oil, garlic, and vitamin D (if you're deficient in it, which many people are).

Did you get some insight, encouragement, or other benefit from this message? If so, let me know! I enjoy hearing your feedback.

And if you're curious and not too squeamish, you're welcome to see what my infected wound looked like in the below photos...

This is how the wound looked in the first day or two. That's what prompted me to go to the doctor.
Despite antibiotics, within a few days the infection had spread over a large portion of my shin. The blue lines are what the physician drew around it each day to keep track of whether it was spreading or shrinking.
Best wishes for great health!
Health Guru Mike
Health Guru Mike, 6 Liberty Square #2045, Boston, MA 02109, United States
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