Subject: Just hours left before huge discount expires

Act now or it's gone for good...
Hi Friend,

I thought I'd alert you that your opportunity to get my new Total Dental Health ebook at a deep discount will disappear in a matter of hours.

This 45% discount expires at midnight UTC this Saturday.

Other subscribers have jumped on this opportunity. And I've been delighted to receive enthusiastic feedback already, including, "I read your whole book on dental health in just 2 sittings...hard to stop..fascinating and SO thorough..."

But I'm not likely to repeat this deeply discounted offer. And next week I'll be releasing this powerful new program for oral health to the general public.
Total Dental Health ebook
So if you don't want to lose out on your huge early bird subscriber discount, you must click or tap here NOW—before it expires.

Wishing you great health,
Health Guru Mike

NOTE: Most of my emails to subscribers like yourself provide information and guidance for optimal health. I endeavor to pack them with value for you. But to be clear, this particular email message is primarily a promotion for my new Total Dental Health program. If this offer or product are not of interest, feel free to disregard it.
Health Guru Mike, 6 Liberty Square #2045, Boston, MA 02109, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.