Subject: If links for my Perfect Eyesight Program don't work...

Here's a fix for this temporary problem.
Health Guru Mike
Hi Friend,

Thanks again for subscribing to receive my series of Improve Eyesight Naturally email lessons. You'll continue to receive those lessons by email but I wanted to alert you to a temporary issue I'm having with it.

In those email lessons you'll receive and on some of my Web pages there are links to purchase my full Perfect Eyesight Program (in which I provide full guidance in videos rather than just short email lessons). The links to purchase my Perfect Eyesight Program may not be working right now, as I'm having to straighten out an administrative issue with my payment processor. So in the meantime, if you decide you'd like to purchase my Perfect Eyesight Program and those payment links don't work for you, just let me know. I'll come up with some solution for you if you like.

Kind Regards,
Health Guru Mike, 6 Liberty Square #2045, Boston, MA 02109, United States
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