Subject: I'm trying to expand my reach. I'll share yours if you share mine!


A quick email to let you know that I'm trying to expand my reach in
blogging and digital publishing. If you're the owner/website owner/store
owner of any of the following niches please help me out:

- Health Fitness
- Running (any category)
- Walking (any category)
- Beauty
- Diet/Weightloss (legit please)
- Supplements (any)
- Active sportswear
- Running gear
- The reviewer of any running-related items
- coaching (life, running, get out of debt, anything...)
- or just a blogger of anything in general

I'm adding links on my resource page to any good sources of digital content on any of the above categories. I'm not asking for hours of your time or to exchange guest blog posts (unless you want to :) ).

All I'm asking is to link back to my main website or a direct link back to a specific article post. In return, I will place you on my resource website with a link back to your page/blog/store, etc.

If you would link to exchange links, please reply back to this email with a
a short blurb about your store or one-liner slogan with a link.

Here is the HTML code to copy and place on your website for my domain.

href="" target="_blank"
rel="noopener">Half Marathons For Beginners - Helping new runners become
injury-free race finishers!

Also, please click below so that I can copy you to my partner list for other opportunities such as affiliate marketing opportunities after I've finished creating my courses. PLEASE DO NOT CLICK ON THIS LINK UNLESS YOUR PLANNING ON SHARING LINKS. I will manually verify within 5 days that links have been shared. Click below if you're still interested:

let me know if you do decide to place my link on your website and be sure
to reply back to this email with a short phrase and your link so that I can
place it on my website. I will send you a reply with my resource page
showing the link back to your website.

Thanks for helping me spread the word!
-Coach Scott