Subject: Credibility, Discovery, Sanity, and More in Process Hacker News from Hack the Process podcast

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Welcome to the Process Hacker News, your roundup of useful news and updates from Process Hackers who have been guests on Hack the Process with M. David Green. This episode we've got credibility, discovery, sanity, and more, plus a few exclusive updates for the Process Hackers on our mailing list. Enjoy!


You can figure out how to engage and motivate product teams by joining Ron Lichty for an online presentation on May 4. It’s free to register!

Reimagine the Future is a virtual summit on May 6 that features business thinkers discussing strategy, innovation, and leadership. One of the speakers for the event is Tiffani Bova.


Mailing List Exclusive: Ever since COVID-19, our lives have changed, but we all have to learn to pivot. That’s why Kate Swoboda encourages us to adjust and change in a new podcast episode.

Julian Hayes II has released a new episode of the Optimal Health for Busy Entrepreneurs Podcast, which focuses on the number one step to bolstering the immune system.

You can improve business results through employee engagement, as explained by Kimberly Wiefling on the Mission Matters Podcast.

Come register for Life Style Business, a new webinar on Zoom hosted by Anne Driscoll and Chris Schultz featuring entrepreneurs and small business owners. The show goes live every Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12PM Pacific Time.

In this time of quarantine and social distancing, how can you promote your business and improve sales without having to meet clients? Omar Zenhom went on The Recipe for SEO Success Show to give details on how webinars can boost a business.

Hear some casual chat about machine learning, quarantine life, and cocktails on the We Have a Microphone Show with Michael and Hampton Catlin.


When feeling distress, all you need to master the moment is four minutes using the STOP Practice, taught by Rhonda Magee on Mindful.

We’re all trying to keep sane in our own little ways while sheltering in place, and Frank Strona is sharing a few of his own routines that help him cope with quarantine life.

Mailing List Exclusive: A new Forbes article by Ron Carucci encourages folks to find real hope during this pandemic.

In a time of social distancing, it’s a challenge not to lose our sense of meaningful connections during virtual meetings. Wayne Baker provides ten guidelines to help us maintain human connectedness, even when we’re only getting together online.


May 19 is the date for The What and Why of Continuous Discovery, a webinar led by Teresa Torres to explain the habits of successful continuous discovery teams. Rich Mironov spoke highly of Teresa during his Hack the Process interview.

Mailing List Exclusive: Paul Graham, an investor mentioned by Ankit Shah, Ricky Yean, and Christina Wodtke has written an essay about how the coronavirus pandemic coronavirus affected the credibility of some journalists and politicians who downplayed the impact it was likely to have.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb published a post on Medium pointing out the corporate socialism that’s happening right now despite real folks needing more help due to the economic impact of COVID-19. Tara Byrne was influenced by Nassim’s writing.

Thanks for checking out this Process Hacker News update from Hack the Process. To listen to the podcast, check out the show notes. If you liked what you saw, please leave a rating in iTunes, and a comment to let us know what processes you’re hacking. 
