Subject: The Training Continues...


This is a difficult Newsletter to write, as we are all still feeling the devastating loss of our Grandmaster and friend. Nevertheless, John's art and training must continue, as John would want.

The new Matrix video posting today for current subscribers was edited June 28th-30th and was originally scheduled to be posted July 4th...and then we got the horrific news of July 2nd. Watching it now is emotionally wrenching, even though this video (and all the other Matrix videos) were shot way back in 2018 and 2019 (pre-Covid) and are only now being released for the first time.

We are still processing everything surrounding this loss, and more Newsletter/Facebook updates/announcements are forthcoming.

Here are the accompanying training notes for this new video, "Combat Flow: John with Master Michael":

·      John flows with Master Michael, emphasizing why you need to maximize GC principles like Ghosting, etc., against a far larger, stronger, faster, and – in this case – extremely skilled individual.

·      Timing on your pocketing/evasion is critical: not too soon, not too late.

·      It’s very subtle and John just shows it briefly, but you can "Pulse" – not STOP -- an incoming strike from a larger, stronger attacker and deflect it just enough, while gaining Ricochet Energy to “hitchhike” (send) your strike somewhere they can’t stop.

·      This is why working with someone as dominating and skilled as Master Michael [especially now...] is so vital to your development. He can ramp up and down his level as needed to show you where and what you need to work on, and FORCE you to progress beyond your current ability.

·      We stress this repeatedly in our past Matrix video notes but it is VITAL that you constantly move off-line AS you’re hitting to develop your Ghosting. The 2 GC Maxims:

1. “Hit from where you’re going to be, not from where you are,” and

2. Become “Unavailable and Unavoidable”.

·      At 6:40, John demonstrates more clearly using Ricocheting Energy to bounce off – but NOT trying to STOP -- the attacker’s arms, so as to access better attack angles/targets.

·      At Master Michael’s level and strength, Suspending and Releasing doesn’t even work against him because he can absorb/withstand/deflect it too easily. This is why John uses Ricocheting against him instead.

·      Although he doesn’t label it by name, John demonstrates redirecting/unbalancing with Suspend and Release against opponents closer to his own size (Masters Joe and Kevin).

·      Timing is critical while simultaneously getting offline. If you do constant suspension (pushing, wrestling, etc.), you will be overpowered.

·      If you’re THINKING about what you’re going to do, you’re not SENSING (“reading”). Sensing is what keeps you in the moment (Mushin). When you train the subconscious nervous system responses with proper GC Contact Flow practice, you’re planning/plotting mind becomes superfluous and in fact ineffective (and even suicidal) amidst the chaos of real violence – which is why patterned technique training almost always fails in reality.

Thank you Grandmaster for taking us down this extraordinary path with your incomparable insight, uncompromising honesty, great good humor, and relentless humility.

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Full video on the GC Matrix

For those interested in attending John's Memorial service, info is available at the bottom of John's Memorial Page segment below:

Grandmaster Perkins' memorial page