Subject: Tai Chi PODCAST On Guided Chaos

   ISSUE #262 GUIDED CHAOS NEWS        |  Endorsements
If you want to hear a really comprehensive radio overview of Guided Chaos, check out Sifu Ken Gullete's Internal Fighting Arts Podcast with GC 4th degree Ari Kandel. It is well worth your time. Ken has taught Yang and Chen Tai Chi, Hsing-I, Bagua, and has a black sash in Yiliquan.

As Ken explains:

"Sometimes truth can be found outside the art you are studying...this is a good interview that all internal artists -- hell, all martial artists -- need to hear, even if, like me, you intend to live the rest of your life without being attacked by a someone who really wants to harm you. Because you just never know, do you?"

By the way, Sifu Ken will be at the GC CINCINNATI GHOST HITTING SEMINAR Sept.19-20. Enroll now and you can exchange training notes with this top-level internal arts instructor. But you don't have to wait that long--the GC KANSAS CITY SEMINAR is coming April 18-19! BOTH are open to all levels and all styles and discounts are available.
Speaking of Ari Kandel, check out his latest blog post below and on his website where you can also comment.

Our conscious mind puts artificial limits on our abilities.

I remember what Lt. Col. Al told me many times during contact flow, when I felt "stuck": "You can always get looser than you think you can."

It was my conscious mind's deciding that I was "stuck" and unable to move that actually made me stuck and unable to move. Once Al paused and pointed that out, he made me aware that I still had more slack left in my body, and it was a simple matter of slightly sinking and allowing everything to unfurl that enabled me to not only negate his attempt to control me, but also counterattack in the same motion. Conscious judgement distorts perception of reality.

Many students during simple weight shifting exercises "think" they are fully rooted on one leg, but when they're challenged to isolate and move the unweighted leg without changing the rest of the body or creating tension, they find that they haven't actually shifted their weight far enough. But their conscious mind had been telling them that they had gone as far as they could go!
[Editor's note: One way to break this habit is to add a Vacuum Walk to each end of the weight shifting drill, e.g. Turning, Rolling the Ball, Starting the Mower, Dry Land Swimming, etc. because if you're not fully shifted, you can't Vac Walk properly. These are explained on the Attackproof Companion Part 2 and Combat Conditioning DVDs (also available as On Demand Instant Downloads)--Matt K]

This is yet another reason why the conscious mind cannot be relied upon to perceive and control combative movement. Even if it were able to perceive the true nature of chaotic movement in real time (which it can't), it places artificial limits on what's possible based on experience and a tendency to stay in the "comfort zone". 

The subconscious knows no such limitations. It will allow and enable the body to move to its fullest ability within its true structural limits to accomplish whatever is needed for self-preservation. This is where creativity, the ability to make or do something new, springs from.

Today my first grader, when confronted during her homework with a math problem she did not immediately consciously recall how to solve, stated, "I can't do it!" Doubtless that's what her conscious mind was telling her. A brief break, including a brief explanation of why saying "I can't" is not a good thing, then she looked at the problem again and spontaneously remembered how to solve it. Doubtless her subconscious was recalling or formulating a solution behind the scenes even while her conscious mind was stopping her progress by telling her she couldn't do it.

In training and in life, pay no heed to the conscious mind's self-imposed limitations. You're capable of a lot more than you "think" you're capable of, when the doubting conscious mind is able to step aside and allow subconscious creativity to manifest.

Happy non-thinking!
"This Guy's INSANE Archery Skills Will Blow Your Mind!"

...but the really amazing thing you realize as you listen to him demolish tenets of "traditional archery" is how the whole concept of "traditional" has been twisted by "modern" archers--and how this parallels what John Perkins has been saying about self defense and firearms since the '70s.

Watch/read these links:

"Danish archer Lars Andersen might be the most accomplished archer of our time.  Not because of any awards or medals, but purely because of what he has accomplished by studying ancient texts and paintings.

Andersen posted a video on Friday attempting to disprove the Hollywood myth of archery.  Not only that, he explains how the art of archery is lost on today's archers because a majority of them stand still and aim at their target rather than be able to run, shoot, and hit their targets while also being able to shoot rapidly.

Andersen says that the ultimate feat in archery for him was to hit an arrow in the air, which he thought was impossible. 

“For me this is the ultimate archery, which I until recently had thought was impossible.  It can be done, but requires the handling of the bow and arrow to become completely bodily.  You may not have time to aim or think, and you must first be completely convinced you hit, you see, "feel" the incoming arrow and shoot in an instant.”

LtCol Al writes:
Goes to show you what you can do with proper Body Unity.

Lars Andersen states:
"It can be done, but requires the handling of the bow and arrow to become completely bodily.  You may not have time to aim or think..." 
Gee now where have I heard that before?

When people learn to get out of their own way and focus on developing their whole body to do such things a lot of epiphanies happen and they begin to discover what the art of the possible is.

There is a lot of lost knowledge out there and because people either don't have the time nor see the importance of it they don't develop the skill necessary to do such things.  
I also believe that many people today are too enamored of fancy weapons such as cool looking guns with every type of optic and doodad to understand the importance of developing such skills. Anyone can buy a weapon but not all can become one
Or they are taken in by faddish martial arts systems that conform to their preconceived notions of fighting where the movement is neither dynamic nor realistic and thus in their mind's eye "safe".

GM Perkins writes:
Al is correct on this...GC is a whole body/mind experience...Your point about becoming the weapon....That is what Musashi and many great warriors talked about...Your sword or gun is an extension of yourself...I agree on your epiphanies leading a person to the art of the possible...Which can also go beyond what folks think is possible...This occurs in teaching some of your students GC despite what they felt as limitations which disappear causing their seemingly impossible development.

I have heard that the Comanche Indians could fire 7 arrows while riding in battle faster than a cavalryman could fire 6 rounds from his revolver....Most folks thought that was not true....I have always believed that...I never could even picture how it was done or even approach that...But with Lars Anderson's method it could be done...This would take
years of practice...You would have to be able to ride without reins and stay seated and move in all sorts of directions and shoot without losing arrows...

Master Harrell writes:

Now when you guys talk about the art of the possible I totally get it (as opposed to before GC, when I was a member of the flat earth society).

Limitations in other arts are real but not so in GC because within GC as we develop our bodies to be a complete weapon we realize that our so called limitations are not permanent or maybe better put is that there are ways around them. Early on in my training in GC when you use to articulate that no matter how strong, big, or fast you are there is always somebody stronger, bigger or faster, that made me place my arthritic problems in the exact same scheme of things meaning that my problem is not any different then tackling a stronger, bigger or faster person--it is just something to work on overcoming.  In a lot of ways I truly believe that my arthritis helped in my development because I had to learn how to move to relieve the torque in my knees and hips protecting myself from further damage. Since I was always trying to move slow I was aware when I was about to place torque on my knees or hips so I would shift the motion or direction of my feet or body not allowing me to experience any pain that could be avoided.
If I was in perfect shape or health I might not have seen the need to develop the way I did.

Evan Yeung writes:
Here are two takeaway points that relate to GC that I see from this video:

1) Respectfully question the status quo: Sport archery is a different breed than archery for war. When something is removed from its original purpose, it changes and can add inefficiency, because that inefficiency is not penalized. Lars has questioned what has become orthodox, and because of it has rediscovered its roots.

2) Efficiency of movement: If you compare the competition of "shots fired per second," the other competitors have at least 3-4 steps using long/broad movements to fire their arrows. Lars just used one. Also the discussion of firing from the right side instead of the left so you don't have to lift the arrow over the bow cuts down on at least 4 feet of travel distance of the tip of the arrow. Just like Contact Flow gradually teaches us to move more efficiently, Lars has refined his movements, is moving less, yet is firing far faster than his wasted movement!

Ari Kandel writes:
Lars is using his whole body subconsciously to accurately shoot a weapon while in motion against moving targets in "as demanded" timeframes. See this quote from the article I linked above:

“I aim without any kind of anchor point or fixed draw length, and I can switch the bow between both hands. Perhaps I do have an advantage because I am an artist, because I am really good at turning objects inside my head in three dimensions. It makes it easier for me to shoot a bow without having to use fixed points.”

No fixed positions, pure right-brain imagery. I imagine this man would be VERY deadly at close quarters with firearms. His last quote in the article though, pertaining to teaching, should remind us of how lucky we are that John has figured out how to transmit such skills where even Mr. Andersen feels he has failed, and needs to revert to "fixed points" teaching.
GC: the free-form, simultaneous attack and defense system
You can:
  • Fight with your entire body
  • Fight beyond your limits
  • Fight more efficiently
  • Fight creatively and without thought
Learn how, with:

The Attack Proof Companion Series Parts 1, 2 and 3
Guided Chaos Combat Conditioning
Guided Chaos Combat Boxing
Guided Chaos Groundfighting

Above available as DVDs or On Demand instant Downloads

Which video should I get? More info.


Please let us know if there's a good chance you could attend a seminar in the Netherlands this Spring/Summer or Fall.
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ll our DVDs (including DISCOUNTED COMBOS) are available as Downloads!
*iPhone: Use free iOS App "MOD Mobile"  *Android: Use the MOD CloudPlayer (streaming only).

The ONLY Guided Chaos School with All This Training:
  GC Headquarters, Elmsford NY 
  • Combatives: Max speed and power development
  • Groundfighting: Ruthless striking, evasion, mobility
  • Combat Boxing: No Rules Dirty Fighting
  • Conditioning: Essential GC 5 Principles development
  • Contact/Combat Flow: Total reactive freedom

"The classes are great…they're very comprehensive. I feel like I've learned more in the last few weeks than I've learned in the last 5 months. I feel like I'm getting a private class every night! We get right down to business…I think it's fantastic. If you're really serious about GC and you want to get better, you really want to come here."

--Santino T.

• FREE 1/2 Hour Private Intro Lesson with GC Master Lt Col Al Ridenhour USMC
  (Required for new students only who have never attended a GC class.) Make appointment.

"Brilliant Self Defence System.
 I cannot get enough of it."

"It has all aspects of Self Protection covered in depth. Many thanks to all of the Guided Chaos Masters and Teachers. With great gratitude to GM Perkins for the wisdom and insight to create this System."

---Sifu Doug Clark, Instructor Level Technician of Ving Tsun and Practitioner of Tai Ji Quan

Blitz magazine article on Guided Chaos Australia Seminar:

"Let me start by saying I thought I'd seen all that the world of 'reality-based self defence' had to offer, so for the easily bored out there, I'll cut to the chase. What I witnessed on the weekend of 26 and 27 March is the closest thing I've come across that resembles a modern-day, reality-based martial art and not just another 'combatives system'. Does it work? Hell, yeah! I got my arse well and truly kicked and at times felt like I was in the middle of a Jason Bourne fight scene."
--Clive Girdham, former Senshido and Geoff Thompson instructor

[Excerpted from the exclusive review of the Guided Chaos Australia Seminar in the Aug. print edition of BLITZ MAGAZINE: Australia's #1 Martial Arts magazine volume 25, issue 6
"Guided Chaos is the only training in my 15 plus years of Corrections that translates into real world application, period."

"Guided Chaos is the only thing that has worked for me in real life situations. Unless you are 6'3" and 285 lbs of muscle, most of the Defensive Tactics stuff (ok all of the Defensive Tactics stuff) will get you hurt. And even if you are that big and strong, there is always  someone bigger and stronger and there may be a lot of them. Nothing like dealing with one guy and it turns into a free for all with all his buddies. This is where you literally need to 'adapt or die' and Guided Chaos is the only training in my 15 plus years of Corrections that translates into real world application, period."
---Bob Miller, Corrections Officer at the largest facility in Oregon
"If I had to pick only one martial arts system in the world it would be Guided Chaos..."--Dr. Robert L. O'Block founder and publisher of the American College of Forensic Examiners International, American Board for Certification in Homeland Security

"...through watching videos put out by, and by reading Attackproof, the book, I have learned real survival skills. These skills have been an exponentially higher practical yield-per-hour training rate than any other martial art classes or seminar I've ever attended, or ever even heard rumor of."
--Matthew Shoener, Police Officer, Scranton, PA

"The Companion Video Part One is stupendous!
A godsend of detail for out-of-state practitioners."
--Mark from Chicago

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