Subject: Green Dog Turns 17!


Holy Cow, what can I say? That feels like a long time. It's been harder than we ever envisioned, but so many amazing people and their amazing cats and dogs have been a wonderful part of our lives. Knowing so many dogs from tiny babies through their entire lives has been an enormous privilege. What's really special to us is that there is a very large number of customers that have been regulars since the very first year. If some of you are reading this, you'll recognize these photos below. The old location on 46th and Fremont looked very much like this location, just smaller! 

A Present For You!

We'd like to thank you for your wonderful support, whether you've just joined us or have been with us through all the years, through thick and thin (I think you could call 2020 the Thickest!) offering you a Covid-style Secret Sale!

Secret Sales are just for our newsletter list. We won't advertise it elsewhere, and we ask that you be a bit discreet if you're at the register, so that others around you don't get all jealous of your discounts. 
We used to have one big Secret Sale day, but since we don't really want crowds, you'll have the luxury of coming in once on any day we are open between now and the last day of August. With a whispered "Secret Sale" or a nod and a wink at the register, you can take 15% off of anything that isn't food!  "Food" just means the balanced meal that you'd put in their bowl at dinnertime (Kibble, frozen foods, and freeze dried meals). "Anything else" includes bones and other chews, treats of all kinds, Goat's and cow's milk, bone broths, toys, supplements (like the ones featured below in this newsletter), CBDs, Feliway and Adaptil diffusers,  leashes, collars, harnesses, Fleabusters powder and other flea stuff, brushes, cat scratchers, a big pool to play in on a hot day, beds, etc.

If you know you might want to snap up multiples of something, you might consider preordering so you can be sure to get what you want! It's a great way to save some money on things you know you'll go through anyway, like fish oils or joint supplements or bully sticks, etc.

I've decided that this product is one of my very favorite products of all time, but realized that we really haven't talked it up as much as we should. You and I and our grandmas and our dogs and cats should all probably be taking colostrum, as it has a significant laundry list of ways it can help our bodies stave off illness and help to repair what's going wrong. For our pets, we'd most likely be talking to you about it when they suffer from seasonal allergies or food allergies (We've even heard of people ditching expensive drugs like Apoquel after using colostrum!), or when dogs have trouble with loose stool, but we should be discussing it more with those that have had cancer diagnosis, or joint pain, or even problems with oral health. 
The doses are tiny, and it tastes good (kind of creamy). Colostrum is food and should be thought of as such. There have been no significant side effects from supplementation with bovine colostrum reported in the abundant literature. Please check out this article I wrote in our blog to read about its many powers (you won't believe it!). I took it myself years ago for a systemic yeast issue, and it helped a great deal. As I wrote this blog post, I was kicking myself for not continuing to take it since then.Your pets may really benefit in a variety of ways. I just talked to a customer this week whose dog has been dealing with horrible food allergies, and was terribly miserable with significant digestive issues. She's only been using the colostrum for a week and the dog seems to be feeling markedly better, and her stool quality is already improving. She'll be seeing the Dove Lewis internist to help her with what they think is Leaky Gut, and I know colostrum can be a powerful tool that she will likely use in the treatment of these issues.  

- Do you have an older dog?
- Does your dog eat a heat processed food diet like kibble or cans?
- Does your dog have a history of pancreatitis?
- Does your dog have trouble digesting his food or frequent flatulence?
- Does your dog have acid reflux or a rumbly tummy?   
Digest might be right for you!

I promised you in the last newsletter that I'd continue sharing a few of our new Four Leaf Rovers products, and this digestive enzyme powder (combined with probiotics and other helpful ingredients) would be helpful for any dog (even raw fed dogs) to help them get the most out of their foods. It's especially important for dogs eating highly processed foods like kibbles and cans, as Processing and cooking at any heat of approximately 118°F to 129°F for as few as three minutes, can destroy virtually all enzymes, which results in very little pre-digestion taking place in the stomach.

Digestive Enzymes are also important for older dogs
. Research results have indicated that administering digestive medicine to elderly people improves their digestion and nutrition absorption. We (and our dogs) use up the enzymes our bodies make. So eventually we may deplete our enzyme resources, which shortens our lives. Using food enzymes slows this process.
Adding digestive enzymes to your dog’s meals can help support their pancreas and organs like the liver, and also his immune system. 

When a dog has had a case of pancreatitis in the past, it’s often helpful to supplement with digestive enzymes. If the pancreas isn’t working properly, it’s not going to produce the digestive enzymes your dog needs. Read more about this neat product, and learn about its interesting ingredients.

This is as good a place as any to remind you that when starting ANY new supplement, especially when you have a compromised pet, it's a very good idea to start with just a pinch for several days and slowly build towards the recommended dose. If your pet happens to be sensitive to any of the ingredients, you'd rather have a small reaction to let you know instead of a big one. :)

 Check out these fun poop bag holders made from discarded festival banners! As a Green store, we're always on the lookout for products like these. Festival banners are made to be strong, colorful, and weather resistant, but they don't get reused when the festival is over. Green Line (the makers of our "greenest" poop bags, as they are the only ones to be able to prove that they break down in an anaerobic landfill) have rescued banners headed to landfill and made them into these neat leash bags to hold your roll of poop bags. Get them soon to be able to pick out your favorite because they're one-of-a-kind!


Though we're strong supporters of a moisture-rich diet for cats, we know that some cats can't be talked out of having their crunchies! When you're choosing dry foods for your carnivores, it's important to find the ones with the most meat. First Mate always comes through in this way for dogs and cats (with reasonable pricing to boot), and a duck formula might be a great choice to keep cats interested. The new First Mate Duck formulas for dogs have been reported as remarkably palatable for picky dogs, so we're hoping your crunchy kitties feel the same way. (you can always return food they don't like) 

A new trend in the industry this past year or so has been lightly cooked foods (mainly aimed towards dogs). We welcome this trend, as we love alternatives to highly processed foods. It's also more moisture rich than kibble. The nutrients are more in tact because the cooking method is gentler. We're thrilled to have a lightly cooked that's appropriate for cats as well!

These foods are admittedly more cost effective for smaller animals, but they have an important role in helping all bigger dogs as well. First of all, lightly cooked foods seem to be delicious to dogs and many cats. This is very helpful when someone is picky about food, as it can be used as a topper to make other foods yummier. It's a perfectly balanced food, so it can make for an easy alternative to home cooking when an animal doesn't feel well. We're thrilled that the formulas are also appropriate for cats (this tells you how much meat is in there!), as so many lightly cooked foods are just made for dogs. It comes in 3 flavors: grass-fed New Zealand beef, Free Range New Zealand chicken, and grass-fed New Zealand lamb. All three flavors are for all life stages for both cats and dogs.
The food comes in 2# frozen "chubs" that you thaw to feed (and can gently warm if you like).

The great news is that they are about 1/2 the price per ounce than Open Farm lightly cooked! 


PS:  Their company, Nature's Logic, has been named one of the pet industry’s most sustainable brands by the Pet Sustainability Coalition;  All kibble, kibble bags, and biscuits are made with 100% renewable energy, and each pound of food you feed Creates 1kWh of new production renewable energy (in other words they're creating more energy than they're using), their kibble bags and biscuit bags are using more recycled plastic than anyone else in the industry. They have 100% Carbon Neutral warehousing and shipping, and Nature's Logic has always been free of synthetic vitamins and made only from whole foods.

This is a unique product that might really be helpful to those of you with picky animals, or those that should be drinking more water. Hydration is important during these hot days. It's especially important for cats to stay hydrated to support their kidney and urinary health. A few drops added to a bowl of ordinary water turns it into a unique flavorful beverage with a nutritious edge – complete with electrolytes, branch-chain amino acids and B-vitamins!
Though we steered away from them when they first came out due to the plastic waste, we did come to realize that these products could really help those with health problems. Sometimes those with poor appetites need some extra help getting excited about eating and drinking with enticing aromas and flavors. These tiny bottles come in a variety of amazing flavors for cat (2 flavors) and or dogs (4 flavors). Just a few drops in their water (or on their food) can really jazz up the aroma and taste!! 

All month, get a free bottle of Hydrate with any Nulo dry food purchase!


Holistic Hound does everything right when it comes to CBDs. Picky dogs and cats will appreciate their delicious soft chews. The dog version comes in a new yummy duck flavor, and the "cat" soft chews are flavored with  brewers yeast and chicken liver. I put cat in quotes because it has also proven to be excellent for small dogs (just don't let them read the label). 

Neat details: the cat/small dog chews have probiotics and digestive enzymes, and the dog duck chews use a new technology: water soluble CBD, which means increased bioavailability and absorption into the body that increases efficacy of a single dose by 4x. 

The duck chews also have medicinal mushrooms in the formula, which can support and modulate the immune system, helping out animals with cancer and seasonal skin allergies. They can also help inflammation, support kidney and liver function as well as blood sugar and blood pressure. Not only that, but they also have Ashwaganda, which helps the body with stress and promotes relaxation, can enhance stamina and endurance, and helps balance endocrine and hormonal systems. 

Of course this buries the lead, which is that CBDs are so handy for pain, inflammation, and helping to calm anxious pets!
 These are a yummy and easy way to deliver their benefits!

Lotus Cat and Dog Food Cans: Buy 2 get one free!

Holistic Hound CBD tinctures: $5 off!

Primal Cat: $3 Off 3lb Frozen and 14oz Freeze Dried Food! (Limit= 6 per customer during the month. **Please special order quantities greater than 2).

Sustainably Yours Cat Litter: $3 off of a small bag, $6 off of a large bag! (for first time buyers only)

Austin and Kat Functional CBD tinctures: $5 off! 

Nature's Logic Lightly Cooked Food for Dogs and Cats: Take $3 off your first 2# chub!

Nulo cat and dog food:Buy a bag of dry food and get a free bottle of "Hydrate" water and food additive! 
- The honor of "Best Pizza City" in the United States goes not to traditional standard bearers but instead to an innovative West Coast upstart - Portland! Beaumont's own Red Sauce Pizza was chosen as one of the best pizzas in the USA! Read about it here

Silhouette is giving away Free Masks for students and teachers! With K-12 schools going back in person with masks mandatory, Silhouette will be giving out masks to students and teachers! Come by for your free mask August and September! They are made in-house and come in sizes from XXS to XL.Masks are normally $15 each or 4 for $50. And they will be continuing to make them for the foreseeable future.

Artistic Portland Gallery at 4110 NE Fremont is new to the Beaumont neighborhood but has been in business for 9 years. They are a co-op and all of their local artists work at the gallery. Their involvement and giving back to the community is part of their mission through their Community Bowl Project. This summer they partnered with the Beaumont Middle School. At the Fremont Fest, August 21st 10-4, their booth will feature the Community Bowls and an Art Raffle from various members donations. They will provide the bowls, paint supplies and all that you will need for your painting inspirations. Bowls/kits are $10, raffle tickets $1 or 6/$5. All proceeds will benefit the Beaumont Middle School Family Resiliency Fund. 

Hollywood Star News has posted some good sustainability tips! See them here.
Green Dog Tip: There's also another way to support solar power and save money on your energy bills without having to install solar panels! Check out Community Solar here
Thank You to all of you that flooded our inbox with support for our decision to be closed for Fremont Fest due to concerns about the Delta variant and our more vulnerable employees. It meant a lot to us that you reached out. 
If you didn't see that email:
Read more here about the closure. 

We hope that if you do come, you'll stop by the booth that we donated to Force Free Oregon. There will be some really great trainers there to give advice and share resources if you need them. It's a great opportunity! 

Second, if the weather is hot and you bring your dog, please pay attention to pavement temperatures while you shop - that tarmac has caused some yucky blisters on paw pads in previous Fremont Fests. 

Third - be safe and have lots of fun! We're sad to miss it for the first time in 17 years.
Located in Beaumont Village
4327 NE Fremont Street, Portland, Oregon 97213

Telephone: 503-528-1800

© 2007 - 2015 Green Dog Pet Supply. Green Dog Pet Supply® is a Registered Trademark.
Green Dog Pet Supply, 4327 NE Fremont Street, Portland, Oregan 97213, United States
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