Subject: Your Moon May Say More About You Than You Realize

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
July 15th 2015
Hi Friend,

While it’s great to explore the depths of our Soul Sign, on a day to day basis most of us are really dealing with the reality of our personality signs because they are how we experience ourselves in our actions and reactions to the world around us, and the personality sign that probably has the biggest influence in terms of our reactions to people, places and events, is the Moon...
There is so much that the Moon in our natal chart can tell us about ourselves, we hardly need to look anywhere else! In a recent webinar Alan Oken spoke about our ‘lunar high’ and ‘lunar low’. Your lunar ‘high’ is that time of the month (or the lunar cycle to be more exact) when the Moon returns to the sign it was in when you were born.

So for example if you have Moon in Aries, then your lunar high will be every time the moon is in Aries again.
You may feel full of life and energy, emotionally secure, and on top of your game. Your lunar ‘low’ is that time of the cycle when the Moon is in the sign opposite your natal Moon so in our example that would be Libra, and you will feel… well quite the opposite! Your energy may be low, you may feel emotionally uncertain, insecure, and not on top of your game!

Wouldn't it be interesting to observe yourself over the next lunar cycle, to track your ‘lunar highs and lows’ and see what your own experience is, in relation to this idea? So that you can see where the Moon is over the coming weeks I've listed the dates and times when the Moon enters a new sign below.

For the next cycle the Moon enters:

Cancer - 06:13 July 14th [all times are UTC]

Leo - 14:14 July 16th

Virgo - 00:46 July 19th

Libra - 13:22 July 21st

Scorpio - 02:06 July 24th

Sagittarius - 12:24 July 26th

Capricorn - 18:47 July 28th

Aquarius - 21:40 July 30th

Pisces - 22:36 August 1st

Aries - 23:23 August 3rd

Taurus - 01:29 August 6th

Gemini - 05:39 August 8th

Cancer - 12:08 August 10th

If you have Cancer Sun, Moon or Rising you may hear the ‘call of the Moon’ because the Moon is the personality ruler of Cancer.
If you have Virgo Sun, Moon or Rising you may also hear the call of the Moon because the Moon is the Soul ruler of Virgo… and if you have Aquarius Sun, Moon or Rising Sign and you are hearing the call of the Moon that is particularly interesting, because the Moon is the ‘hierarchical’ ruler of Aquarius… but that’s an article for another day!

If you enjoy this exercise and would like to make a regular practice of watching yourself in relation to the cycles of the Moon, you might want to purchase a good Lunar Calendar. I personally use the Astro Moon Diary* which also has a useful ephemeris and retrograde table. .. and let me know how you get on! I’d love to hear your experiences of your lunar ‘highs and lows’ over the coming ‘month’.

Another important way to understand the meaning of the Moon is to study the Lunation Cycle and which of the ’moon’s phases’ you were born in (crescent moon, Full Moon etc.). Watch this space - I’ll be saying more about that next time!
Quantum Alchemy Broadcasts:

Rising Above Fear
Last week  I had a very rich conversation with Anya Sophia Mann (on Quantum Alchemy Broadcasts) which was full to the brim with information to support our journey of self-exploration!

As I said in last week's newsletter, in addition to understanding our Soul Astrology, we really need to expand our awareness and capacity for intuition, and be able to read our own inner guidance system. This single conversation dives deep into the world of intuition and emotional intelligence and some of the themes include:

What is emotional hi-jacking? (and what to do about it), the spectrum of fear, exercising your ‘presencing’ muscle, being mindful of language, practical solutions, being fully present, the importance of feeling your feelings, emotions, the distinction between animal and human reactions to fear, emotional reactions, emotional intelligence, the language of identification vs being with what is, creating space … and much more!

I can't think of a single Soul Sign that wouldn't benefit...
Aries (you'll understand why your presence matters),
Taurus (you'll know why your senses are important),
Gemini (you'll be able to connect the dots!),
Cancer (you may recognize yourself as a master of emotional intelligence),
Leo (why it is important to be present to yourself),
Virgo (you'll understand why you didn't say all those things you think you should have),
Libra (you may understand why you take your time in making decisions),
Scorpio (you'll just love the depth of this conversation),
Sagittarius (you may see the path to greater freedom),
Capricorn (you may see practical ways to bring heaven to earth),
Aquarius (you may understand the human condition more deeply), and
Pisces (you may understand more deeply the causes of human suffering, and why you have such huge compassion).

For serious seekers on the path I highly recommend you take the time (an hour) and listen to this conversation... (you may want to take notes) ... CLICK HERE... if it's your first time in the Quantum Alchemy Cafe you'll need to register for a free account... but it's worth it!

JULY 22nd 12 noon ET/ 5pm UK

"Why Am I Here" - Soul Path Astrology with Ruth Hadikin
click HERE for details

That's all for now! Next week we'll be looking at the Lunation Cycle and, in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,

*The above link takes you to to the Moon Diary for 2015 - the 2016 Diary will be published around September sometime.
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What's included:
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Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. specializes in the science of Soul Astrology, as applied to living our Soul Path and Life Purpose. She is dedicated to supporting people to live from the Soul in 'Life's Greatest Adventure'.
, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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