Subject: Why Are We Soooo Busy?

Life's Greatest Adventure!
August 28th 2013
Hi Friend,

Last Friday the Sun entered Virgo marking the beginning of this year's Virgo Season. The sign of Virgo is associated with hard work and 'busy-ness', and I for one feel as though I haven't caught up yet from Gemini Season! (which was May/June for the non-astrologers among us! Virgo and Gemini are the two signs ruled by Mercury, which stimulates mental activity at personality level, and the development of Higher Mind at Soul level)

It is possible to reach a saturation point in terms of activity. Many of us have much more on our plate than is actually possible to complete fully and thoroughly in one lifetime. So we cut corners, make mistakes and just basically drop the ball. Which is anathema to Virgo who loves perfection, thoroughness and completion!

To understand how we got into this situation, we need to understand what is driving us and the most effective way to do this is through self-observation. Cultivating a habit of observing our thoughts, actions and speech as we go through our day is essential if we are to really understand what motivates us.

Once we've cultivated this habit, Astrology can give us a language to explain the patterns that we are observing. The most fundamental way to look at energy is in terms of the four elements: fire, earth, air and water. Watch your own patterns and see how they relate to your horoscope.

If your chart is dominated* by fire, you may be driven into action by your fiery passion! The fire signs can be the 'action' men and women of the Zodiac and are often the busiest of all. The urge to create then often leaves you with the responsibility for whatever you created.

If you have a predominance of air you may be driven by thoughts and thinking: one thought leads to the next and the next and so forth. This may or may not lead to action, but can bring an excess of mental activity and lead to stress!

If earth is your main element you may be driven towards acquiring, managing and utilizing physical resources. Your drive may be to first and foremost establish material security for you and your family, and figuring where to buy, get, store, or bequeath your stuff could occupy much of your time.

If water dominates your chart you are driven by emotions. Your feeling state, moving away from a negative state towards what will cause you to feel better, is most likely what determines where you invest your time and energy. Caring for and concern about people and how others feel may also occupy much of your time.

The above 'drives' are the result of conditioning from this and past lives. They are not our essence and keep us distracted from our spiritual path. Through self-observation we begin to clearly see that and slowly, one by one, we drop whatever is driving us and allow ourselves to rest in peace, in our true nature! In the meantime, until we realize what is driving us, we will continue to get busier, and busier...

See you next time, and in the meantime...
happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


*Fire = Aries, Leo, Sagittarius; Earth = Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn;
Air =Gemini, Libra, Aquarius; Water = Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. Count how many planets you have in each element, not counting Uranus, Neptune and Pluto since they are more collective in their influence.

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Soul Path Coach and Soul Astrologer Ruth Hadikin, specializes in supporting you on your greatest adventure: as you find and express your purpose, passion, and unique Soul Path through self-exploration.
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