Subject: Which Road Will You Take?

Life's Greatest Adventure!
June 12th 2013
Hi Friend,

Which road will you take? Well in a sense it's a bit of a trick question, because there is only one road, and we're already on it! The 'road' I speak of here is our path to Self-realization. We might think of it as our spiritual path, or if we are not particularly spiritually inclined we might call it the path of personal development, or self-growth, or lifelong learning. We might say 'reaching our potential'. Some call it the path to enlightenment, or self-liberation. There are so many different names for 'it' that it can become confusing. In some buddhist traditions it is called the self-perfected state, whilst M. Scott Peck in his famous book called it "The Road Less Travelled".

What is it? It is the path of our self-discovery through self-exploration. The inner journey of discovering your 'true' self, and reaching your highest potential. The word buddha means 'awakened one' or 'enlightened one'. Awakened to what? Your true nature. It is said that Guatama Buddha was a 'perfected human' and symbolizes our highest potential.

In "
The Labours of Hercules: An Astrological Interpretation", the Tibetan Master (through Alice Bailey) describes 12 stages of our Soul's development in astrological terms, from Aries through to Pisces. Our Rising sign (Ascendant) indicates which of these stages of our journey we are on.  The 12-part series exploring the Soul purpose of each sign in depth continues this month on LCM with: "Gemini Rising: The Gemini Soul". (you can read the article or watch a video with additional commentary).

To 'awaken' to the highest potential of our Soul, we need mindfulness: an ability to observe our own inner world. Then we become familiar with our own energy field (our mandala - symbolized astrologically by our natal chart) by observing our inner drives, motivations and dynamics. This takes commitment and continual daily practice. Who can be bothered?

Well, according to M. Scott Peck 20% of us. Only 20% of people will be committed to going deeper on their journey. To lifting the lid, looking inside and staying the course until we really find our true nature. 
If you are deeply committed to your journey - if you are determined to stay the course of self-exploration until you are fully awake and aware then you are, as Peck would say, taking The Road Less Travelled  ...and that IS the greatest adventure you will ever experience!

See you next time, and in the meantime...
happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


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Soul Path Coach and Soul Astrologer Ruth Hadikin, specializes in supporting you on your greatest adventure: as you find and express your purpose, passion, and unique Soul Path through self-exploration.