Subject: When Are You Most Attractive?

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
May 18th 2016
Hi Friend,

This week I thought we'd spend some time with the goddess of love and money!

Of course I'm talking about Venus and I thought it would be fun to do a bit of calculation (don't worry - it's not too much) so you can see what Venus is up to in your chart in the coming months...

Venus by Transit

Each of us is highly attractive at least once a year. How so? Because when Venus crosses your Ascendant and transits your first house you become highly attractive. You embody the law of attraction,
and can attract to you the two biggest things that Venus loves to attract - people and money. This would be the best time if you were going for an interview for that job you've always wanted, or for asking the love of your life to marry you.

I can hear you now thinking, so when does THAT happen?
Well it takes Venus 224 days to complete one cycle and return to your ascendant. Just under a year. Because it's not at the exact same time each year, that's where the calculating comes in.

But it's not that difficult to figure out - so let's go through it now.  First you'll need your natal chart to see the sign on your Ascendant and take note of the degree (that's the number next to your Ascendant). 

The table below shows the dates that Venus passes through the signs over her next cycle. Make a note of the date when Venus is in the same sign as your Ascendant:
You'll need to narrow it down a bit to find out exactly when Venus crosses your Ascendant.

For example:  on May 25th Venus will be in Taurus until the exact time she enters Gemini,  at 00º
  If your Ascendant was at exactly 00º Gemini that would be when Venus crosses (or conjoins your Ascendant) but most of us will need to do this next step.

There are 30 degrees in each sign - so if the degree of your Ascendant is less than 15º - you are about half way through the sign. If it is more than 15º you are past half way. So for simplicity let's say your Ascendant was exactly 15º Gemini.

Venus would cross your Ascendant about half way between May 25th and June 18th.
Now check on your calendar to see when that will be - roughly somewhere around June 8th.

Planetary Calculator
Next use this planetary calculator and enter the details for around June 8th.

You're looking for the date and time when Venus is at the same degree of your Ascendant (in our example 15º Gemini).

Using our example I entered June 8th at 8am GMT (UTC) and can see that Venus is at 18º Gemini

So we need to go back a couple of days to find out when she is at 15º.

By playing around a bit I find that on June 5 at 15:30 GMT/UTC Venus is at 15º 03' (fifteen degrees and three minutes). That's close enough for now.

Now repeat the exercise using your own Ascendant. Using the same method you can then find out the degree of your 2nd house cusp - to see when Venus will be leaving your 1st house and transiting into your 2nd house, and so on through all the areas of your life (the houses) .

Venus in your natal chart.
It is said that children of Venus never want.
If you have a well-aspected Venus in your chart you'll never go hungry.
If you have Venus conjunct your Ascendant, or your Sun, people will always be attracted to you.

If you don't does it mean you're doomed? No! It just means you are challenged to create those circumstances for yourself. Instead of relying on 'lady luck' you have to go out and make yourself more attractive.

The Captain of the Titanic
We tend to think that it's a good thing to have good aspects and easy placements, and feel like we've been dealt a bad hand if we have so-called negative aspects. Yet from the point of our Soul's growth, it is the squares, t-squares, kites and other challenging aspects and aspect patterns that are creating circumstances for us to learn and grow.

This reminds me of a story I once heard about the captain of the Titanic. Apparently, he was considered to be very fortunate because his long career at sea had been largely uneventful. It was thought to be lucky to sail with him, because if he was in charge 'nothing ever went wrong'. His whole career was largely without challenge and as a result, when the ship hit the iceberg that fateful night, it is thought that he lacked the necessary skills to deal with a crisis.

So having easy placements does not give us the experience to develop skills, whereas if you have a so called 'negatively' placed Venus, your challenge is to build those skills within yourself, and life will give you the circumstances to do just that!

Depending on the house position of your natal Venus, the dynamics will be attracting people and/or money into that area of your life.

If she is positively aspected you could be good at attracting people and money, or if not you may be challenged in attracting people or money. Either way, you can be sure your Venus placement is perfect for attracting to you exactly those experiences needed for your Soul's growth!

That's all for now! See you next week and, in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. specializes in the science of Soul Astrology, as applied to living our Soul Path and Life Purpose. She is dedicated to supporting people to live from the Soul in 'Life's Greatest Adventure'.

, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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